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DNE Coding Standards

João Brázio edited this page Mar 15, 2016 · 1 revision


Please follow these formatting guidelines and coding standards when contributing code to Marlin. Pull requests that don't follow good coding standards may be postponed for cleanup.

Table of Contents

Coding Style


Indentation is important for readability and maintainability of code, and provides guidance for naïve code editors (e.g., TextMate, Sublime, et. al.) to properly fold code blocks by level.

  • 2 spaces. Don't use tabs at all.
  • All blocks indented, including #if blocks and other non-brace compiler blocks
void myFunction() {
  if (myCondition == 0) {
    #ifdef PETER_PARKER


We've chosen a bracket (i.e., brace) style that shows the most code lines on screen, and which causes folded code blocks to appear at the end of the line where they begin. If vertical spacing makes code more readable, add a blank line rather than using a different bracket style.

  • "One True Bracket" Style – "1TBS" – to rule them all
  • Almost all opening braces at the end of lines, including declarations:
if (...) {
else {
  • Closing braces should always align with the starting column of the opening line


  • One space between keywords and their conditions:
    if (…), while (…), do {…} while(…) etc.
  • No space between functions and their arguments:
  • Spaces between operators, most of the time:
    myVar = aVar + bVar * cVar;
    myVal = (a*b + b*c); // grouping


  • Doxygen-style headings (documenting in .h files), C++ single-line style // for under 3 lines
  • Multi-line use asterisks in the second column

Names and Symbols


  • your_function_name(int in_integer, float in_float=0.0)
  • MyClass
  • ClassMethod
  • classData
  • local_variable
  • global_variable
  • MACRO_NAME – anything created with #define
  • EnumeratedType


  • use .cpp for C++ sources
  • use .c for C only sources
  • use .h for headers of all types


  • Lowercase names.
  • Note that Arduino cannot (easily) compile code in a sketch subfolder


Whenever possible use functions supplied by avr-libc or Arduino bundled libraries. Any libraries required to compile Marlin should be included in the package so that they are guaranteed to be compatible versions.

Extended Language Features

Marlin is written in C/C++ and must be able to compile with the supplied Makefile and an up-to-date version of Arduino. Backward-compatibility to earlier versions of Arduino is not required, but we can deal with this on an issue-to-issue basis.

Primitive Types

  • On AVR both int and short are 16-bits, and long is 32 bits.

Memory Usage

  • DO NOT use dynamic memory allocations such as malloc(), free(), new, delete
  • (Some exceptions may be considered, with caveats!)

No Extended Features

  • DO NOT use extended C++ features like:
  * Exceptions (throw / catch)
  * Virtual functions / classes
  * Templates
  * Standard Template Library (STL)

Avoid Expensive Code

  • millis() can be expensive so put it in a uint32_t if you need it more than once.
  • Pre-calculate if possible instead of calculating on the fly

Marlin-specific Conventions

Preprocessor directives

  • Use #define instead of const for configurable values (for now)
  • Don't use #if / #endif for commenting-out unused, old or broken code. We have a git repository! If it's obsolete, delete it.
  • Use #if ENABLED(FEATURE_NAME) / #endif to compile enabled features. (Using these macros allows features to be set externally.)
  • Use #if DISABLED(FEATURE_NAME) / #endif to compile disabled features. (Using these macros allows features to be set externally.)
  • Use #define macros to avoid repeating boilerplate code.
    Consider both readability and maintainability.

Adding a New Feature

Since Marlin is an Arduino firmware and not a desktop application, much care has been taken to keep code size at a minimum, and to avoid using any features that may overtax the hardware, including demanding math operations. New features should try to conserve the limited resources available and allocate a fixed amount of memory (apart from auto variables) to do their work.

  • #define is used liberally, especially for configuration values
  • Use #define MYFEATURE for feature switches.
  • Feature settings have some flexibility, and can have values.
  • Test features with #if ENABLED(MYFEATURE) / #if DISABLED(MYFEATURE). (Using these macros allows features to be set externally.)
  • Indent the code between #if… and #endif for editors that only have naive code-folding.
  • Add a comment: #endif // MYFEATURE — Only if the #endif is far away!

New Feature Example

In Configuration.h:

// Enable this to make something new happen
  #define MYFEATURE_SETTING 12.5
  #undef OVERRIDDEN_FEATURE // This won't be needed with MYFEATURE
In SanityCheck.h:
 * My feature
  #error MYFEATURE is not compatible with INCOMPAT_FEATURE
In Conditionals.h:
 * My feature
  #undef OVERRIDDEN_FEATURE // This feature is disabled by MYFEATURE
  #undef OVERRIDDEN_SETTING // This setting will always be 1234 with MYFEATURE
In Marlin_main.cpp, for example:
// My Feature, when Your Feature is disabled
  my_feature_function(); // Run my feature, possible an inline function taking refs
  #else // !HISFEATURE
  #endif // !HISFEATURE
#endif // MYFEATURE

Useful links

  • [Atmel](
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