To save space, sync without history use:
repo init --depth=1 --no-repo-verify -u -b 15 --git-lfs -g default,-mips,-darwin,-notdefault
To sync with full history use:
repo init -u -b 15 --git-lfs
repo sync -c -j$(nproc --all) --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --optimized-fetch --prune
. build/
lunch lineage_<devicecodename>-<buildtype>
mka bacon
- To build gapps add
WITH_GMS := true
flag in yourlineage_<device>.mk
Maintainer Overlays
- Refer to this change for maintainer & device overlays.
Signed Builds
- We support inline singing, simply place your private keys in
directory and it'll do the rest.