Devoxx Call For Papers Application: Proposal module This application can be used to handle CFP requests, targeted at the Devoxx REST interface v2.
Used technologies:
- AngularJS
- Angular-UI
- Underscore.JS
- Bootstrap.JS
- Karma
- Grunt
- Bower
- NodeJS
- IstanbulJS
#Setup global env
- Install [nodejs] [1]
- It comes with [npm] [2]
- Have a look to [yeoman] [3]: it helps to scallfold an angular project with best practices
- [sudo] npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower generator-angular generator-karma
#Setup project env
- cd path/to/project
- npm install && bower install
- npm install is configured with package.json and generates the directory node_modules
- bower is configured with bower.json or bower.json and generates the directory app/components
##Starts your application##
- grunt server
- grunt is configured with Gruntfile.js
##Build your app, including testing and optimization##
- grunt
##Update your project's dependencies##
- bower update
- it update app/components directory
##Update your project's build dependencies##
- npm update
- it update node_modules directory
- [Best practices] [4]
TODO: Temporary switched to unstable version because of bug in $http See: "angular": "~1.0.7",