A Kotlin library that wraps the whole development process of a Minecraft Bedrock Project and thus provides a streamlined development experience with
- Autocompletion
- Integrated Documentation
- A debugger that already works in the IDE and gives usefully feedback
- Prevent invalid Code
- The usage of Kotlin as a Tool to minimize Code duplications
The whole concept of TranClate is a Kotlin DSL it's intention is to let the developer only write compilable code, in our case we want to make sure a developer can only write code that is within the limits of Minecraft. Another goal is to automate everything that can be automated.
projectName = "Project Name"
projectShort = "pn"
description = "by Timolia Creative"
packIcon = getResource("general/pack.png")
world = getResource("world/$worldName")
version = arrayListOf(1, 0, 0)
}) {
entity {
name("id", "Name of The Entity")
behaviour {
components {
damageSensor {
trigger {
cause = DamageType.ALL
dealsDamage = false
resource {
components {
spawnEgg {
eggByColor(Color.RED, Color.BLACK)
TranClate is also designed to be extended through plugins/libraries. This is encouraged through the design desiccation to add/apply data to objects from anywhere.
//applied by the user
val sampleEntity = entity {
behaviour {
components {
//applied by the plugin
sampleEntity.behaviour {
components {
Instead of overwriting the physics()
component, the second call will apply the pushable()
With this design plugins/libraries can easily modify predetermined objects like the player entity without worrying to overwrite code of the developer that is using the plugin/library.