Convert a sequence of PNGS or a GIF to a compressed QMK OLED animation.
The most basic usage is python <directory | file>
This will generate animation.h
which contains the animation data and a function to change frames.
There are to additional arguments you can add -o <file_path>
and -t <threshold>
Setting -o
changes the output file to the one supllied.
Settung -t
changes the threshold the average pixel color should be greater than to be considered turned on.
First include the animation header at the top of keymap.c
#include "animation.h"
Then to render the animation you can add this function.
static int c_frame = 0;
bool first_render = true;
static void render_anim(void) {
if (first_render) {
oled_write_raw_P( frame, ANIM_SIZE);
first_render = 0;
} else {
c_frame = c_frame+1 > IDLE_FRAMES ? 0 : c_frame+1;
Then this function can be used in the oled_task_user
To set the animation speed add #define OLED_UPDATE_INTERVAL <time in ms>
in the file config.h
inside your keymap folder.
AskMeAboutBirds This is mostly a modified version of his code.