Welcome to Home Aid, a platform designed to connect users with home services such as electricians, plumbers, and mechanics from the nearest location, as well as providing household needs online from electric, mechanical, and plumbing shops.
Our website offers a convenient and efficient way to find local vendors for home services, ensuring that users can easily access high-quality services from trusted providers in their local area. By offering daily job opportunities for local vendors, we also help support and grow local businesses, creating a positive impact on the community.
To run this project you can simply type in the terminal :
npm install
cd frontend
npm start
And it will run a script named start which client(react start script) apps.
npm install
cd backend
npm run dev
And it will run a script named dev which runs server(nodemon) apps.
In this project we have used these technologies :
- React js
- Nodejs (Express js)
- Mongo DB
- Redux
- Google apis
- Stripe api