This game was developed for the GameJam 2023, that is an international event that have the objetive to build a videogame in just 48 hours, the game is build entirely in Python 3.8 and with the PyGame Library withut any game engine.
Put yourself in the shoes of a monkey in search of food for its survival and evolution. Fight for your survival and that of your tribe, to survive is to adapt to changes... A new destiny begins. Controls: Select option in Menu = Enter, Move = Arrow keys, Go back in menus = Backspace, Fight and collect food = Space bar.
Python 3 + Pygame library
Just run and install the requirements.txt and you are done! :)
Luis Delgado: Programmer
Luis Bermudez: Programmer/Sound Design
Douglas Worm: Programmer/Art Design
Fernanda Miranda & Steicy Tua: Voice Acting