Build instructions here
Here are the librairies dans board manager needed to compile the project. Note that recommanded working versions were put. More recent version could work but without any guarantee.
- Timezone (Jack Christensen) version 1.2.4
- Adafruit SSD1306 version 2.5.10
- Adafruit NeoPixel version 1.12.2
- NTPClient version 3.2.1
- esp32 (Espressif Systems) version 2.0.15
You can comment/uncomment following line in IronManArc.ino
to :
- Specify if your Arc reactor uses standard or WS2812 LEDs for middle part.
- Use 12 hours format instead of 24 hours
- Select board WEMOS D1 MINI ESP32
- Select right port
- Click on the arrow to compile and upload
Convert image to CPP: