This application demonstrates a way to send large packets into sub-packets with MiraOS v2. It monitors incoming sub-packets and requests missing sub-packets if needed.
This example implements two nodes: Sender and Receiver (root).
Generate data ---> Signal new data
Requested for sub-packets ---> Send requested sub-packets at desired pace
Request all sub-packets
+---------------------------------> o <-----------------+
/ /\ \
/ +------------------+ \ \
| v \ \
\ Sub-packet received \ \
+------no--- All received? \ \
yes | v \
v time-out |
Print and Quit Max re-tries done? --yes--> Abort |
| no |
v /
Request missing sub-packets ----+
Sender fakes a large packet ready for sending every PACKET_GENERATION_PERIOD_S
(see sender/large_packet_sender.c
) and notifies Receiver with a signal message
(see common/lp_signal.[ch]
). This signal message includes the number of
sub-packets which constitutes the large packet, as well as an ID number for the
large packet.
Receiver listens to incoming signal messages, and replies with a request to send the large packet. In this request, Receiver includes a bit mask showing which sub-packets to send, as well as the requested packet ID number and at which at period the send sub-packets.
Sender starts sending sub-packets to Receiver. It paces sub-packet transmissions according to the requested period, in order to avoid saturating transmission queues.
Receiver keeps track of all received sub-packets, as long as more are missing or until a new packet ready notification arrives. Once all sub-packets are received, Receiver displays the large packet.
If sub-packets stop arriving before the whole large packet is transmitted, Receiver sends a new request, but only for the sub-packets that it lacks. This happens on a time-out on sub-packet reception. The time-out value depends on the requested sub-packet period.
cd sender
make LIBDIR=<path_to_mira_lib> TARGET=mkw41z-mesh flash.<programmer_serial>
cd ../receiver
make LIBDIR=<path_to_mira_lib> TARGET=mkw41z-root flash.<programmer_serial>
Process packet_ready_notify_proc
waits for network connection to root, then
regularly registers a new large packet (although the content is always the
same). It then sends a signal notification about the new packet.
Process reply_to_request_proc
monitors incoming requests for large packets,
and starts transmission of the requested large packet.
Process signal_to_request_proc
monitors incoming signal notifications, and
reacts by sending a request for the advertised large packet. It then starts the
processes that handle the sub-packets, and their possible need for new requests,
see Modules.
Process large_packet_monitor_proc
awaits the event for large packet reception
ready, and prints the received content.
Prefix large_packet_
Processes requests to send large packets, as well as the reception of sub-packets.
Sender uses this module to send sub-packets in a paced manner, depending on how
it was requested to do so (see module lp_request
Receiver uses this module to handle the reception of sub-packets, determine if sub-packets are missing, and re-request transmission of these missing sub-packets. Upon receiving a whole large packet (all its sub-packets), it posts an event, which the application can use to handle the data. This example prints the data as a string.
runs at every reception of an UDP packet on
the defined port. This callback then dispatches handling of the content to the
modules described below.
Note: pre-processor define FAULT_RATE_PERCENT
(default at 0) allows to
simulate packet loss by discarding incoming sub-packets, in order to see the
re-request mechanism at work.
Prefix lpsig_
This module handles signaling of new available large packets. Sender uses this module to notify the network of a new available large packet. The receiver uses the module to handle such incoming notifications, and posts an event (with data) to other processes, if applicable.
Prefix lpreq_
This module handles requests for large packets. Receiver send requests to the sender when ready to receive, asking for sub-packets of a large packet. The request includes a bit mask, which determines which sub-packets the sender must send.
Sender uses the module to handle such requests, and posts an event (with data) to other processes, if applicable.
Prefix lpsp_
This module handles sub-packets, transmission and reception.
This version does not handle inconsistency in requested and available packets well.
This version does not check that all sub-packets come from the same expected source.
Large packets reception could abort itself after a time-out, regardless of number of attempted new requests.