Couple of years ago (back in early 2022), a friend asked me to give him a hand for a Kotlin
game he was trying to code: A 3x3 grid of 2 states switches that, when toggled, change the state of their neighbours in a + shaped area around the aforementioned toggled switches. (I later learned that the game is called Lights out)
Being a complete noob in Kotlin
, I whipped up a python draft script in order to illustrate how I'd proceed...
Fast forward to 2024, after recieving some UIX advices from a former colleague and friend for a side project, he suggested me to give a try to Go
and HTMX
... And for some reason, this game from 2022 just popped in my brain... So... Here Go
es nothing I guess... :D
although some parts could have been a lot simpler, had I used some JS
, I feel that it would have defeated the whole purpose of this project which was to stick to Go
and HTMX
as much as possible...
- 0.1.0-alpha: First release
For Go
installation, consult the following link
Once done, open a new terminal in the directory goSwitch
, type the following command to run the project, and you can then open your favorite web browser to start-the-game:
go run .
If compiling the code into an executable is what you are looking for, in the same fashion as mentionned above, type the following command:
go build
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jan 31 22:59:51 2022
@author: Luraminaki
import random
#pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position
#pylint: enable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position
__version__ = '0.1.0'
class Grid():
def __init__(self, dim: int, neighborhood: list[int]):
self._rows = dim
self._cols = dim
self._neighborhood = neighborhood
self._grid: list[int] = []
self._solution: list[int] = [] # Not necessarily the fastest
self._rand = random.Random()
while self.check_win():
def init_game(self) -> None:
grid_size = self._rows*self._cols
start = self._rand.choice(range(1))
self._grid = [start] * grid_size
self._solution = self._rand.sample(list(range(grid_size)),
k=self._rand.choice(range(grid_size)) + 1)
for hit in self._solution:
def coord_flat_to_cart(self, dim: int) -> tuple[int]:
if dim >= len(self._grid):
return -1, -1
return (dim % self._cols, dim // self._rows)
def check_oob(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool:
if (0 <= x < self._cols) and (0 <= y < self._rows):
return True
return False
def switch_v4(self, x: int, y: int) -> list[list[int]] | list:
coords_to_switch = []
if self.check_oob(x + 1, y):
coords_to_switch.append([x+1, y])
if self.check_oob(x, y+1):
coords_to_switch.append([x, y+1])
if self.check_oob(x - 1, y):
coords_to_switch.append([x-1, y])
if self.check_oob(x, y - 1):
coords_to_switch.append([x, y-1])
return coords_to_switch
def switch_v8(self, x: int, y: int) -> list[list[int]] | list:
coords_to_switch = []
if self.check_oob(x + 1, y + 1):
coords_to_switch.append([x+1, y+1])
if self.check_oob(x - 1, y - 1):
coords_to_switch.append([x-1, y-1])
if self.check_oob(x + 1, y - 1):
coords_to_switch.append([x+1, y-1])
if self.check_oob(x - 1, y + 1):
coords_to_switch.append([x-1, y+1])
return coords_to_switch
def switch(self, pos: int) -> None:
x, y = self.coord_flat_to_cart(pos)
if not self.check_oob(x, y):
return None
coords_to_switch = []
for val in self._neighborhood:
if val == 0:
coords_to_switch = coords_to_switch + [[x, y]]
elif val == 4:
coords_to_switch = coords_to_switch + self.switch_v4(x, y)
elif val == 8:
coords_to_switch = coords_to_switch + self.switch_v8(x, y)
for cx, cy in coords_to_switch:
self._grid[cx + self._cols*cy] = int(not self._grid[cx + self._cols*cy])
def get_possible_solution(self) -> list[int]:
return self._solution.copy()
def get_grid(self) -> list[int]:
return self._grid.copy()
def check_win(self) -> bool:
if sum(self._grid) in [0, self._rows*self._cols]:
return True
return False
def pretty_print_grid(self) -> None:
print("Game Layout:")
line = ""
r = 0
while r < self._rows:
c = 0
while c < self._cols:
line = line + str(self._grid[c + self._cols*r]) + " "
c = c + 1
line = ""
r = r + 1
def main() -> None:
dim = 3
switch_game = Grid(dim, [0, 4])
print(f"Possible solution: {switch_game.get_possible_solution()}")
while not switch_game.check_win():
print(f"Input Switch Position (0 ~ {(dim*dim)-1}):")
pos = int(input())
except Exception as err:
print(f"Error when reading input value: {repr(err)}")
print(f"Switching ({pos})\n")
print(f"Did I Win: {'Yes' if switch_game.check_win() else 'No'}")
if __name__ == "__main__":