Fluent interface for binary protocol implementation, aiming to prioritize runtime performance above all else. An
alternative to System.IO.MemoryStream
+ System.IO.BinaryReader
& System.IO.BinaryWriter
, and also
, that is better suited than the .NET (Core) implementations for performance-sensitive code (code for
low-power platforms, high-volume/low-latency systems, games, etc.).
Accepting PRs, Wiki contributions, and Issues of all kinds: bugs, questions, complaints & suggestions, requests, etc.
Here's an example that converts a public key from its raw form into an SSH-formatted public key string:
string FormatForSSH(string publicKeyAlgorithm, byte[] publicKeyData) =>
new BinaryStream(sizeof(int) + publicKeyAlgorithm.Length + sizeof(int) + publicKeyData.Length)
.WriteBig(KeyType.Length) // write an integer in big-endian byte order
.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(publicKeyAlgorithm)) // Convert the string from UTF-16 to ASCII and write it
.WriteBig(publicKeyData.Length) // Note that each Write method advances the stream's head, concatenating values
.Write(publicKey) // write an array of bytes, verbatim
.FlushBase64String(out var sshPublicKey) // Dump the entire stream (automatically rewinding the head)
.DisposeAndReturn(sshPublicKey); // Dispose the allocated buffer, and return the final value
- Test, and evaluate IL, to ensure that implementations are, in fact, the fastest possible
- Implement remaining overload permutations of existing methods
- Unit tests
- Implement remaining Stream, BinaryReader, and BinaryWriter methods
- Non-ref struct, and methods to convert to/from it
- Conditionally compiled safety checks
- Investigate ways to reduce repetition without impacting resulting IL
- Codegen for formulaic/repetitive methods
- Logo/icon