Create Emulation Station gamelist.xml from MAME -listxml .xml
Uses .net framework 4
There are probably easier ways of doing this, but this is mine.
I wrote this to easily update my Emulation Station game list.
A MAME executable. Preferrably already set up, and ready to use.
A set of screenshots. If you don't have any, I recommend AntoPISA's snapshots:
A set of videos. Again, AntoPISA has an excellent set.
MAME rom files. In compressed, split or merged format. You can't run the emulator without them! (Well, you can, but that's for another day)
A MAME History.dat file. E.G. the one at Arcade History
A MAME Info.dat file. E.G. the one at MASH's
A set of Marquee pictures. Again, AntoPISA has a great set.
A MAME folders.ini format category.ini file. E.G. AntoPISA, the CatVer32 ini,, the category.ini from or MameUI Category.ini from
A rating folders.ini, eg the BestGames.ini from AntoPISA
Your own folder.ini file with a list of favourite games in it. (Again, in the mameui folders.ini format.)
Set the path to the mame.exe file, give the version.xml file a name, and click [Create Mame List]. Give it a little while. When it's done, it will save the new .xml file.
Set the screenshots directory.
Optionally set all the other files/folders.
Click [Create Emulation Station gamelist.xml]. And wait. A progress bar will display it's current progress.
.Net seems to require a large amount of ram to load the mame.xml file.
About 2.5GB on my PC, for the mame 0.220 .xml.
It takes about 10-12 mins to finish creating a full gamelist.xml with all options on. (On my own PC)