I am in my Second year of engineering at Thakur college of engineering, Mumbai in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning also enrolled in foundation level IITM online BS Degree program in Data Science and Application. I have enrolled in Harkirats 100xdevs Cohort 2. I have complited till week 16. I know Json Webtokens, Express, Postgress, Prisma , Mongodb, Amazon Web Services, React , Next JS. `I am very passionate about programming & development and want to achieve something extraordinary in my life. I always try to learn something new, always in search of new opportunities to participate in different programs, remain to be consistent towards my work and academics and always try to be a progressive person. My Qualities- punctuality, confidence, leader, and curious about new things.
• JavaScript | TypeScript | C++ | C | Python | Tailwind CSS | Node JS | Express | React | jQuery | NoSQL | SQL | Postgres | MongoDB | MySQL | Git | Github | HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | Handlebars | Java | Power BI | MS Office
• AWS | Cloud Computing | CI/CD | Firebase | Docusaurus | Docker | Moc OS | Linux | OOP | Digital Ocean | Photoshop | Postman | Google Cloud | System Design | Operating System | Data Structures | Search Engine Optimization
• Technical Writing and Documentation | Open Source | Devops | System Administrator | Frontend | Backend | Full-Stack
🔭 I’m currently working on Stats For My Uni
🌱 I’m currently learning Scalable Backend and Databases.
☁️ I've keen interest in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. So,I'm learning Tensor Flow
🔭 You can explore my portfolio website https://mj665.github.io/
📫 Feel free to reach me out [email protected]
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