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Live demo simulation
A Myo device is required. Otherwise use W,A,S,D keys just to move the shoulder join (not activating the muscles).
  1. What is it?

    This is a series of tools for Myo to do the following:

    • Remote data recording

    • Visualization of data

    • Simulation of hand gestures

    • A toolkit to do research on EMG, Muscles, Forces, Bone movements, Hand gestures

    • and more at:
      Dimitrios Ververidis, Sotirios Karavarsamis, Spiros Nikolopoulos, and Ioannis Kompatsiaris. 2016. Pottery gestures style comparison by exploiting Myo sensor and forearm anatomy. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing (MOCO '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 3 , 8 pages. DOI:

  2. Requirements

    • Server You will need:

      • Apache server, e.g. XAMPP, for the Muscle simulator module
      • Apache and Node.js for the recording module
    • Client

      • You need a Chrome or Firefox browser
      • You need a Myo device
  3. How to install?


    • Copy everything to a path visible to web or your local client
    • Install Apache server and run it

    For remote recording also:

    • Install Node.js server and run "StartNodeServer.bat"
  4. How check installation?

    • Simulation

    • Data Recording

      • Wear Myo
      • Open Chrome browser and type:
        where serverurl is your server path.
      • Write a nickname
      • Make hand gestures
      • Find your data at recordings/data_[mynickname].txt
  5. How to extend?

    • Use phpstorm and connect to this repo at github
    • Upload your modifications
    • Follow any tasks assigned here
  6. Contact

    Dimitrios Ververidis,
    [email protected],
    Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
    Information Technologies Institute
    Multimedia, Knowledge and Social Media analytics lab

Release Notes

  • 0.7 Publish at Github : 06/04/2017
  • 0.61 DB recorder : 05/04/2017
  • 0.6 Code tide up : 19/02/2016
  • 0.5 Joints added : 18/02/2016
  • 0.4 Integrated with Myo : 02/02/2016


Bones models are retrieved from:

Mitsuhashi, N., Fujieda, K., Tamura, T., Kawamoto, S., Takagi, T., and Okubo, K. BodyParts3D: 3D structure database for anatomical concepts. Nucleic acids research 37, suppl 1 (2009), D782–D785.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the:

European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2011-9) under grant agreement 600676 corresponding to project i-Treasures, “Intangible Treasures - Capturing the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Learning the Rare Know-How of Living Human Treasures”,