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Materials for the USGS "Deep Learning for Image Classification and Segmentation" CDI workshop, 2020

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Materials for the USGS Deep Learning for Image Classification and Segmentation CDI workshop, October 2020, called ML MONDAYS

One module per week. All modules include slides, live session (plus video recordings), code, data, blog posts, and jupyter notebooks.

Please go to the project website for more details

This project was conceived by Dan Buscombe (Marda Science, LLC and contractor to USGS PCMSC), Leslie Hsu (USGS CDI) and Jonathan Warrick (USGS PCMSC). The project is supported by USGS CDI and the USGS CMHRP. Additional input over course content and testing has been provided by Phil Wernette (USGS PCMSC), and Rich Signell (USGS Woods Hole). Thanks to Sam Congdon (USGS CHS) and Rich Signell (USGS Woods Hole) for Pangeo CHS environment and development.

All code has been written by Dan Buscombe, unless where specified in function docstrings.

USGS ML-Mondays participants

Please do nothing, other than ensure you have access to the CHS/AWS environment especially set up for the course. Everything will be introduced in class in stages.

Desktop conda environment workflow

  1. Clone the repo:

git clone --depth 1

  1. cd to the repo


  1. Create a conda environment

A. Conda housekeeping

conda clean --all conda update -n base -c defaults conda

B. Create new mlmondays conda environment

We'll create a new conda environment and install packages into it from conda-forge

conda env create -f mlmondays.yml

C. Always a good idea to clean up after yourself

conda clean --all

  1. Test your environment

A. Test 1: does your Tensorflow installation see your GPU?

python -c "import tensorflow as tf; print('Num GPUs Available: ', len(tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')))"

You should see a bunch of output from tensorflow, and then this line at the bottom

Num GPUs Available: 1

B. Test 2: is your jupyter kernel set up correctly?

jupyter kernelspec list

should show your python3 kernel inside your anaconda3/envs/mlmondays directory, for example

Available kernels:
  python3    /home/marda/anaconda3/envs/mlmondays/share/jupyter/kernels/python3

C. Change directory to the lesson you wish to work on, e.g. 1_ImageRecog

cd 1_ImageRecog

D. Launch using:

jupyter notebook

which should open your browser and show your directory structure within the jupyter environment

To shut down, use Ctrl+C

Windows desktop installation workflow

Follow this sequence of commands in this order:

conda create --name mlmondays python=3.7
conda activate mlmondays
pip install numpy
pip install seaborn   # --> installs Pillow and matplotlib
pip install jupyter
pip install sklearn
pip install matplotlib
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow-gpu   # --> conda-forge only has TF v.2.1 (needs upgrade with pip in next line)
pip install tensorflow --upgrade
pip install tensorflow --upgrade   # --> yes, this needs to be run twice (likely)
pip install tensorflow-gpu --upgrade

Google Colab workflow

In each section, there are notebooks you can run on Google Colab instead of your own machine. They are identified by colab in the name.

Colab provide free GPU access to run these computational notebooks. If you save the notebooks to your own Google Drive, you can launch them from there.

Useful Links




Slides (these will be presented in the live class)


The following is organized by week/topic.

Week 1: Image recognition

Get the data by running the download script. Only download the data you wish to use

cd 1_ImageRecog

notebook lessons (these are the 'live' components of ML-Mondays)

  • notebooks/MLMondays_week1_live_partA.ipynb: TAMUCC 4-class data visualization
  • notebooks/MLMondays_week1_live_partB.ipynb: TAMUCC 4-class model building and evaluation

There are also colab versions of both notebooks that you can save to your own google drive, then launch in google colab

data viz. scripts


model training and evaluation scripts

    • load the subset 2-class (developed/undeveloped) train and validation datasets
    • augment the data
    • make a small custom categorical model
    • train the model with the augmented data
    • examine the history curves
    • evaluate the model and plot a confusion matrix
    • load the subset 2-class (developed/undeveloped) train and validation datasets
    • augment the data
    • make a small custom categorical model and compute class weights
    • train the model using the class weights with the augmented data
    • examine the history curves
    • evaluate the model and plot a confusion matrix
    • load the full 2-class (developed/undeveloped) train and validation datasets
    • make a large custom categorical model
    • train the model
    • examine the history curves
    • evaluate the model and plot a confusion matrix
    • load the subset 3-class (developed/marsh/other) train and validation datasets
    • augment the data
    • make a large custom categorical model
    • train the model with the augmented data
    • examine the history curves
    • evaluate the model and plot a confusion matrix
    • load the subset 3-class (developed/marsh/other) train and validation datasets
    • augment the data
    • make a model based on a mobilenet feature extractor with imagenet weights
    • train the model using the class weights with the augmented data
    • examine the history curves
    • evaluate the model and plot a confusion matrix
    • load the subset 3-class (developed/marsh/other) train and validation datasets
    • augment the data
    • make a model based on a mobilenet feature extractor with imagenet weights
    • load the previous weights, change the learning rate, and freeze the lower layers
    • fine-tune the model with the augmented data
    • examine the history curves
    • evaluate the model and plot a confusion matrix
    • load the subset 4-class train and validation datasets
    • augment the data
    • make a model based on a mobilenet feature extractor with imagenet weights
    • train the model with the augmented data
    • examine the history curves
    • evaluate the model and plot a confusion matrix
    • load the subset 4-class train and validation datasets
    • augment the data
    • make a model based on a mobilenet feature extractor with imagenet weights
    • train the model using the class weights with the augmented data
    • examine the history curves
    • evaluate the model and plot a confusion matrix
    • load the full 4-class train and validation datasets
    • make a model based on a mobilenet feature extractor with imagenet weights
    • train the model
    • examine the history curves
    • evaluate the model and plot a confusion matrix
    • load the subset 11-class train and validation datasets
    • augment the data
    • make a model based on a mobilenet feature extractor with imagenet weights
    • train the model with the augmented data
    • examine the history curves
    • evaluate the model and plot a confusion matrix

functions - this is where most of the code is!

  • wrapper imports function, loads the following three sets of functions from:
  • contains functions required for model building, training, evaluation, loss functions, etc
  • contains functions required for reading and writing tfrecords, and creating datasets, including preprocessing imagery and labels, etc
  • contains functions required for data inputs and model outputs, etc

dataset-specific imports


file creation

  • makes NPWU tfrecords from images with class labels in the file name
  • makes TAMUCC tfrecords from images with class labels in the file name, and reclassify to 4 classes
  • makes TAMUCC tfrecords from images with class labels in the file name, and reclassify to 3 classes
  • makes TAMUCC tfrecords from images with class labels in the file name, and reclassify to 2 classes
  • makes TAMUCC tfrecords from images with class labels in the file name

Week 2: Object recognition

Get the data and model weights by running the download script.

cd 2_ObjRecog

notebook lessons (these are the 'live' components of ML-Mondays)

  • notebooks/MLMondays_week2_live.ipynb

There is also colab versions of the notebook that you can save to your own google drive, then launch in google colab

model training and evaluation scripts

    • view a few examples from the secoora validation dataset
    • make a model, load coco weights and use the model on coco imagery
    • view some examples
    • fine-tune the model on a coco data subset
    • view some examples of fine-tuned model predictions on secoora imagery
    • view a few examples from the secoora training dataset
    • make a model, load coco weights and use the model on secoora imagery
    • view some examples
    • fine-tune the model on a secoora data subset
    • view some examples of fine-tuned model predictions on secoora imagery
    • view a few examples from the secoora sample jpeg dataset
    • make a model, and train it from scratch on secoora imagery
    • view some examples of model predictions on sample secoora imagery
    • compare the number of people in each frame with model estimates of the same quantity

functions - this is where most of the code is!

  • wrapper imports function, loads the following three sets of functions from:
  • contains functions required for model building, training, evaluation, loss functions, etc
  • contains functions required for reading and writing tfrecords, and creating datasets, including preprocessing imagery and labels, etc
  • contains functions required for data inputs and model outputs, etc
  • contains functions required for data transformations and other utilities, etc

dataset-specific imports

  • imports things like batch size and other fixtures of the model-dataset combo

file creation

  • this function creates tfrecords from a csv file containing rows of filename, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, and class , and a folder of images

Week 3: Image segmentation

Get the data by running the download script. Only download the data you wish to use

cd 3_ImSeg

notebook lessons (these are the 'live' components of ML-Mondays)

  • `notebooks/``
  • `notebooks/``

There are also colab versions of both notebooks that you can save to your own google drive, then launch in google colab

model training and evaluation scripts

    • view a few examples from the OBX validation dataset
    • make a model for a binary classification (deep water / no deep water), compile is using Dice loss
    • train it using learning rate, checkpoint, and stopping callbacks
    • view some examples of model segmentations on validation imagery
    • view a few examples from the OBX validation dataset
    • make a model for a multiclass classification (deep water, shallow water, broken water, dry), compile is using categorical cross-entropy loss
    • train it using learning rate, checkpoint, and stopping callbacks
    • view some examples of model segmentations on validation imagery
    • view a few examples from the OBX validation dataset
    • make a model for a multiclass classification (deep water, shallow water, broken water, dry), compile is using categorical hinge loss
    • train it using learning rate, checkpoint, and stopping callbacks
    • view some examples of model segmentations on validation imagery
    • make an ensemble model that uses both trained models (the one here and the one previously trained in to make predictions, then a CRF model to rewfine those predictions. The best prediction is assumed to be the one with the smaller Kullback-Liebler divergence score
    • view a few examples from the Oysternet validation dataset
    • make a model for a binary classification (reef / no-reef), compile is using binary cross-entropy loss
    • train it using learning rate, checkpoint, and stopping callbacks
    • view some examples of model segmentations on validation imagery
    • view a few examples from the Oysternet validation dataset
    • make a model for a binary classification, compile is using Dice loss
    • train it using learning rate, checkpoint, and stopping callbacks
    • view some examples of model segmentations on validation imagery

functions - this is where most of the code is!

  • wrapper imports function, loads the following three sets of functions from:
  • contains functions required for model building, training, evaluation, loss functions, etc
  • contains functions required for reading and writing tfrecords, and creating datasets, including preprocessing imagery and labels, etc
  • contains functions required for data inputs and model outputs, etc

dataset-specific imports


file creation


Week 4: Self-supervised Image recognition

Get the data by running the download script. Only download the data you wish to use

cd 4_ImageRecog

notebook lessons (these are the 'live' components of ML-Mondays)

  • notebooks/MLMondays_week1_live.ipynb: TAMUCC 4-class model building and evaluation

There are also colab versions of both notebooks that you can save to your own google drive, then launch in google colab

model training and evaluation scripts

    • load the subset 2-class TAMUCC train and validation datasets and visualize some examples
    • make an embedding model and train it on the training subset
    • train a k-nearest neighbours model on the embeddings
    • use the trained model to estimate the embeddings for the validation subset
    • use the kNN model on each test sample to predict the class based on the similarity of the sample embedding with the k nearest sample embeddings
    • the same as the above, except using thr weighted_binary_crossentropy function instead of sparse categorical cross-entropy
    • load the subset 3-class TAMUCC train and validation datasets and visualize some examples
    • make an embedding model and train it on the training subset
    • train a k-nearest neighbours model on the embeddings
    • use the trained model to estimate the embeddings for the validation subset
    • use the kNN model on each test sample to predict the class based on the similarity of the sample embedding with the k nearest sample embeddings
    • load the subset 12-class TAMUCC train and validation datasets and visualize some examples
    • make an embedding model and train it on the training subset
    • train a k-nearest neighbours model on the embeddings
    • use the trained model to estimate the embeddings for the validation subset
    • use the kNN model on each test sample to predict the class based on the similarity of the sample embedding with the k nearest sample embeddings
    • same as the above but for the full 12-class dataset, not the subset
    • load the subset 11-class NWPU train and validation datasets and visualize some examples
    • make an embedding model and train it on the training subset
    • train a k-nearest neighbours model on the embeddings
    • use the trained model to estimate the embeddings for the validation subset
    • use the kNN model on each test sample to predict the class based on the similarity of the sample embedding with the k nearest sample embeddings

functions - this is where most of the code is!

  • wrapper imports function, loads the following three sets of functions from:
  • contains functions required for model building, training, evaluation, loss functions, etc
  • contains functions required for reading and writing tfrecords, and creating datasets, including preprocessing imagery and labels, etc
  • contains functions required for data inputs and model outputs, etc

dataset-specific imports


file creation


General workflow using your own data

Part 1: Supervised Image Recognition

  1. Create a TFREcord dataset from your data, organised as follows:
  • copy training images into a folder called train
  • copy validation images into a folder called validation
  • ensure the class name is written to each file name. Ideally this is a prefix such that it is trivial to extract the class name from the file name
  • modify one of the provided workflows (such as for your dataset, to create your train and validation tfrecord shards
  1. Set up your model
  • Decide on whether you want to train a small custom model from scratch, a large model from scratch, or a large model trained using weights transfered from another task
  • If a small custom model, use make_cat_model with shallow=True for a relatively small model, and shallow=False for a relatively large model
  • If a large model with transfer learning, decide on which one to utilize (transfer_learning_mobilenet_model, transfer_learning_xception_model, or transfer_learning_model_vgg)
  • If you wish to train a large model from scratch, decide on which one to utilize (mobilenet_model, or xception_model)
  1. Set up a data pipeline
  • Modify and follow the provided examples to create a get_training_dataset() and get_validation_dataset(). This will likely require you copy and modify get_batched_dataset to your own needs, depending on the format of your labels in filenames, by writing your own read_tfrecord function for your dataset (depending on the model selected)
  1. Set up a model training pipeline
  • .compile() your model with an appropriate loss function and metrics
  • define a LearningRateScheduler function to vary learning rates over training as a function of training epoch
  • define an EarlyStopping criteria and create a ModelCheckpoint to save trained model weights
  • if transfer learning using weights not from imagenet, load your initial weights from somewhere else
  1. Train the model
  • Use history = to create a record of the training history. Pass the training and validation datasets, and a list of callbacks containing your model checkpoint, learning rate scheduler, and early stopping monitor)
  1. Evaluate your model
  • Plot and study the history time-series of losses and metrics. If unsatisfactory, begin the iterative process of model optimization
  • Use the loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(get_validation_dataset(), batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, steps=validation_steps) function using the validation dataset and specifying the number of validation steps
  • Make plots of model outputs, organized in such a way that you can at-a-glance see where the model is failing. Make use of make_sample_plot and p_confmat, as a starting point, to visualize sample imagery with their model predictions, and a confusion matrix of predicted/true class-correspondences

Part 2: Object Recognition

  1. Create a TFREcord dataset from your data, organised as follows:
  • copy training images into a folder called train
  • copy validation images into a folder called validation
  • create a text, csv file that lists each of the objects in each image, with the following columns: filename, xmin, ymin, xmax (float y coord pixel), ymax (float y coord pixel), class (string)
  • modify the provided workflow ( for your dataset, to create your train and validation tfrecord shards
  filename,	width,	height,	class,	xmin,	ymin,	xmax,	ymax
  staugustinecam.2019-04-18_1400.mp4_frames_25.jpg,	1280,	720,	person,	1088,	581,	1129,	631
  staugustinecam.2019-04-18_1400.mp4_frames_25.jpg,	1280,	720,	person,	1125,	524,	1183,	573
  staugustinecam.2019-04-04_0700.mp4_frames_51.jpg,	1280,	720,	person,	158,	198,	178,	244
  staugustinecam.2019-04-04_0700.mp4_frames_51.jpg,	1280,	720,	person,	131,	197,	162,	244
  staugustinecam.2019-04-04_0700.mp4_frames_51.jpg,	1280,	720,	person,	40,	504,	87,	581
  staugustinecam.2019-04-04_0700.mp4_frames_51.jpg,	1280,	720,	person,	0,	492,	15,	572
  staugustinecam.2019-01-01_1400.mp4_frames_44.jpg,	1280,	720,	person,	1086,	537,	1130,	615
  staugustinecam.2019-01-01_1400.mp4_frames_44.jpg,	1280,	720,	person,	1064,	581,	1134,	624
  staugustinecam.2019-01-01_1400.mp4_frames_44.jpg,	1280,	720,	person,	1136,	526,	1186,	570
  1. Set up your model
  • Decide on whether you want to train a model from scratch, or trained using weights transfered from another task (such as coco 2017)
  1. Set up a model training pipeline
  • .compile() your model with an appropriate loss function and metrics
  • define a LearningRateScheduler function to vary learning rates over training as a function of training epoch
  • define an EarlyStopping criteria and create a ModelCheckpoint to save trained model weights
  • if transfer learning using weights not from coco, load your initial weights from somewhere else
  1. Train the model
  • Use history = to create a record of the training history. Pass the training and validation datasets, and a list of callbacks containing your model checkpoint, learning rate scheduler, and early stopping monitor)
  1. Evaluate your model
  • Plot and study the history time-series of losses and metrics. If unsatisfactory, begin the iterative process of model optimization
  • Use the loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(get_validation_dataset(), batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, steps=validation_steps) function using the validation dataset and specifying the number of validation steps
  • Make plots of model outputs, organized in such a way that you can at-a-glance see where the model is failing. Make use of visualize_detections, as a starting point, to visualize sample imagery with their model predictions

Part 3: Supervised Image Segmentation

  1. Create a TFREcord dataset from your data, organised as follows:
  • Copy images into a folder called images
  • Copy label images into a folder called labels
  • Modify one of the provided workflows (such as for your dataset, to create your train and validation tfrecord shards
  1. Set up your model

  2. Set up a model training pipeline

  • .compile() your model with an appropriate loss function and metrics
  • define a LearningRateScheduler function to vary learning rates over training as a function of training epoch
  • define an EarlyStopping criteria and create a ModelCheckpoint to save trained model weights
  1. Train the model
  • Use history = to create a record of the training history. Pass the training and validation datasets, and a list of callbacks containing your model checkpoint, learning rate scheduler, and early stopping monitor)
  1. Evaluate your model
  • Plot and study the history time-series of losses and metrics. If unsatisfactory, begin the iterative process of model optimization
  • Use the loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(get_validation_dataset(), batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, steps=validation_steps) function using the validation dataset and specifying the number of validation steps
  • Make plots of model outputs, organized in such a way that you can at-a-glance see where the model is failing. Make use of make_sample_seg_plot, as a starting point, to visualize sample imagery with their model predictions

Part 4: Semi-supervised Image Recognition

  1. Create a TFREcord dataset from your data, organised as follows:
  • Copy training images into a folder called train
  • Copy validation images into a folder called validation
  • Ensure the class name is written to each file name. Ideally this is a prefix such that it is trivial to extract the class name from the file name
  • Modify one of the provided workflows (such as for your dataset, to create your train and validation tfrecord shards
  1. Set up your model
  • Decide on whether you want to train a small or large embedding model (get_embedding_model or get_large_embedding_model)
  1. Set up a data pipeline
  • Modify and follow the provided examples to create a get_training_dataset() and get_validation_dataset(). This will likely require you copy and modify get_batched_dataset to your own needs, depending on the format of your labels in filenames, by writing your own read_tfrecord function for your dataset (depending on the model selected)
  • Remember for this method you have to read all the data at once into memory, which isn't ideal. You may therefore need to modify get_data_stuff to be a more efficient way to do so for your data
  1. Set up a model training pipeline
  • .compile() your model with an appropriate loss function and metrics
  • Define a LearningRateScheduler function to vary learning rates over training as a function of training epoch
  • Define an EarlyStopping criteria and create a ModelCheckpoint to save trained model weights
  1. Train the autoencoder embedding model
  • Use history = to create a record of the training history. Pass the training and validation datasets, and a list of callbacks containing your model checkpoint, learning rate scheduler, and early stopping monitor)
  1. Train the k-nearest neighbour classifer
  • Decide or determine the optimal number of neighbours (k)
  • Use fit_knn_to_embeddings to make a model of your training embeddings
  1. Evaluate your model
  • Plot and study the history time-series of losses and metrics. If unsatisfactory, begin the iterative process of model optimization
  • Use the loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(get_validation_dataset(), batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, steps=validation_steps) function using the validation dataset and specifying the number of validation steps
  • Make plots of model outputs, organized in such a way that you can at-a-glance see where the model is failing. Make use of make_sample_plot and p_confmat, as a starting point, to visualize sample imagery with their model predictions, and a confusion matrix of predicted/true class-correspondences
  • On the test set, play tf.nn.l2_normalize (i.e. don't use it on test and/or train embeddings and see if it improves results)


Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Credit will always be given.

Report Bugs

Report bugs at

Please include:

* Your operating system name and version.
* Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting.
* Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.

Fix Bugs

Look through the GitHub issues for bugs. Anything tagged with "bug" and "help wanted" is open to whoever wants to implement it.

Implement Features

Look through the GitHub issues for features. Anything tagged with "enhancement" and "help wanted" is open to whoever wants to implement it.

Write Documentation

We could always use more documentation, whether as part of the docs, in docstrings, or using this software in blog posts, articles, etc.

Get Started!

Ready to contribute? Here's how to set up for local development.

  • Fork the dash_doodler repo on GitHub.

  • Clone your fork locally:

$ git clone [email protected]:your_name_here/MLMONDAYS.git

Install your local copy into a virtualenv. Assuming you have virtualenvwrapper installed, this is how you set up your fork for local development:

$ cd MLMONDAYS/ $ conda env create --file mlmondays.yml $ conda activate dashdoodler

Create a branch for local development:

$ git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

Now you can make your changes locally.

Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:

$ git add .

$ git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes."

$ git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

Submit a pull request through the GitHub website.


Materials for the USGS "Deep Learning for Image Classification and Segmentation" CDI workshop, 2020






No releases published


No packages published
