Demo of Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot Using Spring Cloud Kubernetes
Each project contains a Dockerfile that will create a container for the app. You can do this easily
by running ./mvn clean package -Pdocker
NOTE You should edit the parent POM file and change the value of docker.image.prefix
your own prefix.
After building the container images you will need to push them to a repository that your Kubernetes deployment has access to, for example Docker Hub.
Each project uses Dekorate in order to build a YAML file that can be used to deploy the app to Kubernetes.
To create the YAML files all you need to do is run ./mvnw clean package
. The YAML files are located in
kubectl create --filename spring-cloud-k8s-demo/toys-bestseller/configmap.yml
kubectl create --filename spring-cloud-k8s-demo/toys-bestseller/target/classes/META-INF/dekorate/kubernetes.yml
kubectl create --filename spring-cloud-k8s-demo/fashion-bestseller/target/classes/META-INF/dekorate/kubernetes.yml
kubectl create --filename spring-cloud-k8s-demo/hot-deals/target/classes/META-INF/dekorate/kubernetes.yml
kubectl create --filename spring-cloud-k8s-demo/gateway/target/classes/META-INF/dekorate/kubernetes.yml
Each app is exposes a nodeport
, you will need to find the nodeport
for each application in your deployment.
If using MiniKube you can easily open the service by running minikube service <servicename>
. For example
$ minikube service gateway
This app exposes one endpoint at /toys/bestseller
which accepts a GET
request and returns JSON
representing the best selling toys.
In addition all actuator endpoints are exposed, this is useful for demonstrationg the Spring Cloud Kubernetes integration with ConfigMaps.
The app uses Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot to inject random latency into RestController
s. It is disabled by
default but can be enabled by changing the value of the ConfigMap you created above.
If you hit /actuator/env
you should see the ConfigMap in the list of PropertySources
for the app. Edit the
ConfigMap in Kubernetes changing chaos.monkey.enabled
from false
to true
. Now hit /actuator/env
and you should see the property change.
Now when you hit /toys/bestseller
you should randomly see the response take a bit to come back. This will
be useful when demoing Hystrix via the gateway.
In addition since the Actuator endpoints are enabled it is useful to hit /actuator/health
in this app
to show the health endpoint integration with Kubernetes.
This app exposes one endpoint at /fashion/bestseller
which accepts a GET
request and returns JSON
representing the best selling fashion items.
This app exposes one endpoint at /hotdeals
which accepts a GET
request and returns JSON representing
deals from the fashion and toys service.
An API gateway to the toys, fashion, and hotdeals services. There are routes that point to eat /toys/**
and /hotdeals**
. Each of these endpoints is protected by a Hystrix circuitbreaker tha when tripped
returns an empty array and the response contains a header called fallback
with the value of true
In addition there is another endpoint at /startpage
which aggregates the responses from all the services.
When Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot is enabled on the toys service occationally the Hystrix circuit breaker will be tripped when the latency is injected.