The goal of this project is to create a model of a cinema ticket service. The project implements role-based access control with 2 roles: user and administrator:
- administrators can add cinema halls, movies and movie sessions
- users can add tickets to cart, checkout and view order history
- registration, a list of films and available sessions are available for unregistered users
Project based on 3-layer architecture:
- Presentation layer (controllers)
- Application layer (services)
- Data access layer (DAO)
- Apache Tomcat - version 9.0.37
- MySQL - version 8.0.21
- Hibernate - version 5.4.5
- Spring Framework - version 5.2.2
- Spring Web MVC
- Spring Security
- Configure Apache Tomcat
- Install MySQL and MySQL Workbench
- Add all necessary properties in file
- Add Lombok plugin After starting the project, 3 users will be available:
- user with administrator rights (login “admin”, password “1234”)
- user with normal rights (login “[email protected]”, password “1234”)
- user with ordinary user and administrator rights (login “[email protected]”, password “1234”)