17.36.0: Merge pull request #7865 from mshriver/fix-provider-view-summary
Includes: 17.35.0 -> 17.36.0
7865 | fix-test | Add summary view selection to cloud details nav resetter
7868 | fix-framework | [1lLP] Fix host fixture for test_relationships, Navigation
7867 | fix-framework | Update InfraVM.host property
7713 | enhancement | Add csv imports tests to v2v
7852 | fix-test | fixed check for ansible logs
7799 | fix-locator-or-text | Fix Provider relationships templates view for 5.10
7845 | fix-test | Fix template ownership test
7819 | fix-test | New subject of provision e-mails in CFME 5.10
7813 | fix-test | Fix issue with list comprehention and calling host validation for InfraProvider
7856 | fix-framework | Update RegionView and tries() method
7853 | enhancement | Convert cfme/tests/networks
to package
7849 | fix-test | Generic service 5.10 fix
7842 | fix-test | Adding ability to add VMware Host creds, as this is new requirement for v2v tests
7848 | fix-test | fixed test_group_crud_with_tag for vsphere55
7855 | fix-test | Update auth fixture, restart evmserverd
7744 | fix-test | Fixed Exception Error while deleting default tenant
7828 | new-test-or-feature | Custom Button: support for network objects
7821 | new-test-or-feature | Custom Button: Cluster support in infa object
7800 | other | Removing test_custom_vm_report from RHV regression suite
7759 | enhancement | Upgrade scripting and test fixes for repo changes
7841 | new-test-or-feature | Add/Resume OCP Provider API Test
7574 | new-test-or-feature | Test targeted refresh for Nuage entities
7833 | enhancement | Support reset log for merkyl plugin
7714 | new-test-or-feature | Adding test_provision_cloud_init_payload for RHEVM
7843 | fix-framework | Update StatusBox xpath
7832 | fix-framework | Fixes the double artifactor shutdown
7707 | fix-locator-or-text | Removed case-sensitivity of webdriver option.
7837 | blockers-only | Marked test with BZ
7838 | blockers-only | Marked test with BZ
7822 | new-test-or-feature | Custom Button: Azone support and all method
7805 | new-test-or-feature | added check for ansible logs
7815 | enhancement | Update valid labels for release script
7831 | fix-locator-or-text | changed error message to match for blank description
7824 | fix-test | Fix test_cluster_relationships
7748 | new-test-or-feature | Adding test that tries provision VM from template with 2 NICs
7793 | new-test-or-feature | Testing cloud quota for 'user' and 'group' by provisioning instance via lifecycle
7797 | fix-framework | Allow plugins to return value
7812 | fix-framework | Don't crash fixture if Merkyl plugin returns bad response
7767 | other | 5.8 NonJS based entities are removed
7768 | other | NonJSPaginationPane removal
7786 | fix-test | Fixing test test_credentials_quads for the CFME 5.10
5984 | new-test-or-feature | Added test_service_rbac.py testcase
7733 | new-test-or-feature | New Set of v2v migration tests
7814 | new-test-or-feature | Custom Button: Automate test for Infra objects
7792 | sprout | Update provider not working messages in sprout
7780 | new-test-or-feature | custom button: support for storage managers
7779 | collections-conversion | Custom Button: Datastore support and all method for it.
7801 | issue-bug | Use specific keyserver.
7774 | fix-test | Catalog name appended by My_Company in 5.10
7557 | blackify | Pre commit black isort
7817 | enhancement | Bump wrapanapi to 3.0.25
7811 | enhancement | Updating quickstart script to work on Mac OS