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Cover Manager

ThePromidius edited this page Feb 9, 2023 · 1 revision

How to use

Set covers

  1. Run script
  2. Select all covers you want to apply
  3. Select if you want to overwrite or not.

Delete covers

  1. After opening the tool click Delete Covers
  2. Select the .cbz that you want to remove the cover. They will be added to the queue and will be marked with a recycle bin image that says DELETE.
  3. Click process
  4. Wait

Recover covers

The changes are always backed up.

This means that if a cover was deleted or overwritten, it will actually be renamed to "OldCover_<filename.ext>.bak"

What the tool does is rename back the file and delete any image named the same or 000.ext if it was appended.

Note: each file change only backs up once. If you delete 2 covers from the same file the first one will be deleted.

  1. After opening the tool click Recover Covers
  2. Select the .cbz that you want to Recover the cover. They will be added to the queue and will be marked with a green rounded arrow image that says RECOVER.
  3. Click process
  4. Wait

Download covers

This will prompt a window where you can enter a series URL from mangadex.

This will download all volume covers from a serie

A folder per series will be created in the default cover folder set in the settings.json

You can change the folder where the series folder will be created

UI buttons

Select covers

This opens a dialog window where you can select the images you want to save to the .cbz files


This loads the next image selected. This means that the cover that is shown is the one that will be saved to the file

Replace current cover?: YES

This will search for the first image and will back it up as OldCover_001.ext.bak and delete it Then, the script will create a file named 000000.ext with the new cover

Replace current cover?: NO

This will create a file named 00000.ext. If there is already an image named that, it will be renamed to OldCover_0000.ext.bak

Open file to apply this cover

This opens a dialog window where you can select the .cbz files that will have the cover that is displayed added/overwritten

Select new set of covers

This opens a dialog window where you can load new images.


Starts processing the queue. The queue will be cleaned after processing


This clears the queue

Download Cover

Download covers


Display next cover after adding a file to the queue

After Opening file to apply this cover, the image displayed will be replaced with the next selected one

Open file selector dialog

This opens the file selecting dialog after selecting .cbz files.

Clicking cancel in the dialog window will stop opening automatically

After Opening file to apply this cover, the image displayed will be replaced with the next selected one

How I personally use this tool:

  1. I delete all covers that i don't want
  2. Refresh covers and delete again if needed
  3. Load covers from the downloaded cover images
  4. Setting: Enable auto open CBZ
  5. Select first CBZ/chapter from a volume and apply the cover
  6. Repeat #5 for each volume
  7. Process
  8. Refresh covers.
  9. Change to Volume Manager if not done earlier
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