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MangelMaxime committed Oct 20, 2024
1 parent 6712897 commit 3d840dc
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Showing 23 changed files with 1,727 additions and 441 deletions.
308 changes: 308 additions & 0 deletions docs/Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma/advanced/custom-field.fsx
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layout: standard
title: Create a Field

`Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma` allows you to create your own custom fields.
For example, you can create a `SignatureField`, `AutoCompleteField`, `ColorField`, etc.
[Click here to see a `SignatureField` in action.](/Fable.Form/examples/react/index.html#custom-field)
## Different types of fields
2 types of fields are available:
- `IStandardField` - most of the fields will implement this interface which
provides a ready to use configuration for the rendering
- TextField
- CheckboxField
- SelectField
- `IGenericField` - low level API for when you don't need the standard configuration
or want more control over the logic
- List
- Section
- Group
We are going to focus on `IStandardField` in this example, but you can look at the source code
to learn more about `IGenericField`.
## Step by step guide
For this guide, we are going to create a standard text input field.
<ul class="textual-steps">
Create a new file named `MyTextField.fs`.
Create the namespace for hosting your custom field and open the required modules
> I am using a namespace because it allows it to be used in multiple files
> and I like to use `[<RequireQualifiedAccess>]` on some modules to control/improve the
> user experience at some places.
> Feel free to experiment with different approaches and see what works best for you.

(*** hide ***)

#r "nuget: Feliz"
#r "nuget: Feliz.Bulma"
#r "./../../../packages/Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma/bin/Debug/netstandard2.1/Fable.Form.dll"
#r "./../../../packages/Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma/bin/Debug/netstandard2.1/Fable.Form.Simple.dll"
#r "./../../../packages/Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma/bin/Debug/netstandard2.1/Fable.Form.Simple.Fields.Html.dll"
#r "./../../../packages/Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma/bin/Debug/netstandard2.1/Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma.dll"


namespace MyForm.Fields

open System
open Fable.Form
open Feliz
open Feliz.Bulma
open Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma

module MyTextField =

Create an `Attributes` type to hold the configuration of the field, it needs to
implements `Field.IAttributes`.
> Here I am using a record, but you can use a class or interface if you prefer.

type Attributes =
FieldId: string
Label: string
Placeholder: string option

interface Field.IAttributes with

member this.GetFieldId() = this.FieldId

Define the inner field type which will be used to create the field.
Here we say that the field will use our `Attributes` type to pass additional configuration
and will use a `string` as the value type to represent the field value in the view.

type InnerField<'Values> = Field.Field<Attributes, string, 'Values>

Create the `form` function which will be used to create the field.
What is important here is that we pass the `isEmpty` function to the `Base.field` function
so this where we determine how to detect if the field is empty.

let form<'Values, 'Field, 'Output>
: ((InnerField<'Values> -> 'Field)
-> Base.FieldConfig<Attributes, string, 'Values, 'Output>
-> Base.Form<'Values, 'Output, 'Field>) =
Base.field String.IsNullOrEmpty

Actual implementation of the field, we inherit from `IStandardField` because we want to have access
to the `StandardRenderFieldConfig` which provides a ready to use configuration for the rendering.
This makes the code simpler because you don't need to worry about how to forward `OnChange`, `Value`, etc.
type Field<'Values>(innerField: InnerField<'Values>) =
inherit IStandardField<'Values, string, Attributes>(innerField)

Interface with `IField` to be able to map the field values most of the time you will just copy this code
interface IField<'Values> with

member _.MapFieldValues(update: 'Values -> 'NewValues) : IField<'NewValues> =

Field(Field.mapValues update innerField)

Override the `RenderField` method to provide the rendering logic for the field.
For a standard field, you need to handle all the following:
- `Attributes: 'Attributes` - Any view related configuration you have in your attributes
- `Disabled: bool` - If the field is disabled
- `Error: option<Error.Error>` - If the field has an error
- `IsReadOnly: bool` - If the field is read-only
- `OnBlur: option<(unit -> unit)>` - Event to call when the field loses focus
- `OnChange: 'Value -> unit` - Event to call when the field value changes
- `ShowError: bool` - If the field should show an error
- `Value: 'Value` - The value of the field
The `Html.View` module provides several helper functions to make it easier to render the field.
It is encourage to have a look at this module or how other fields are implemented to get a better understanding.
override _.RenderField(config: StandardRenderFieldConfig<string, Attributes>) =

Bulma.input.text [
prop.onChange config.OnChange

match config.OnBlur with
| Some onBlur -> prop.onBlur (fun _ -> onBlur ())
| None -> ()

prop.disabled config.Disabled
prop.readOnly config.IsReadOnly
prop.value config.Value

if config.ShowError && config.Error.IsSome then

match config.Attributes.Placeholder with
| Some placeholder -> prop.placeholder placeholder
| None -> ()
|> Html.View.withLabelAndError config.Attributes.Label config.ShowError config.Error

We could stop here, but let's add some helper functions to make it easier to create the field.
Indeed, if your `Attributes` add 10 properties with a majority of them being optional,
it can be a bit cumbersome to create the field.
For Fable.Form, I decided to go with a pipeline builder style because it is easy to read and
intellisense is well supported on all IDE.

type MyTextField =

static member create(fieldId: string) : MyTextField.Attributes =
FieldId = fieldId
Label = ""
Placeholder = None

static member withLabel (label: string) (attributes: MyTextField.Attributes) =
{ attributes with
Label = label

static member withPlaceholder (placeholder: string) (attributes: MyTextField.Attributes) =
{ attributes with
Placeholder = Some placeholder

In another field named `Form.fs`, create the field which will be used by the user to create
an instance of the custom field.

namespace MyForm

open Fable.Form
open MyForm.Fields
open Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma

module Form =

let myTextField
(config: Base.FieldConfig<MyTextField.Attributes, string, 'Values, 'Output>)
: Form<'Values, 'Output>
MyTextField.form (fun field -> MyTextField.Field field) config

Like with any other field, the user will use `Form.myTextField` to create an instance of the custom field.

(*** hide ***)

module Usage =

type Values =
Email: string


open Fable.Form.Simple
open Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma
open Fable.Form.Simple.Fields.Html
open MyForm

Parser = Ok
Value = fun values -> values.Email
Update =
fun newValue values ->
{ values with
Email = newValue
Error = fun _ -> None
Attributes =
MyTextField.create "email"
|> MyTextField.withLabel "Email"
|> MyTextField.withPlaceholder "[email protected]"

You now know how to create a custom field for `Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma`.
Like mentionned earlier, a field can be anything you want, so feel free to implement
any field you need and share it with the community.

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