LaTeK is an IDE to write simple LaTeX equations.
LaTeX is a markup language (very similar to MathML) used to write mathematics. LaTeX can be compiled to PDF, PNG, GIF or other image format, even MathML.
It's simply used to write maths quickly and without having to do any layout. Useful when you want to take notes of your algebra or propositional logic course.
code LaTeX like this one :
\sum_{k=1}^n k = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}
will be converted to MathML :
<math display="block">
<mo movablelimits="false">∑</mo>
<mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
<mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
or as an image :
technology | tool |
Languages | JS / HTML / CSS |
Compiler | Node.js |
electron-forge | |
Packages | npm |
Environment | macOS / Windows 7/10 |
Libraries | electron |
console | |
path | |
fs |
To run : npm run start
To compile : npm run make
Manage the position of the IDE and the result (top bottom, left right, etc...). With a table for example
Create a preferences manager
- Create CSS variables
Find a better way to choose LaTeX parameters
- Image format during saving
- Don't reopen a dialog box when
Finish the menu management
Create a new image for each line (\)
Use another compiler than codecogs, optimal: local
Create an artistic version :
- IDE in a PC screen
- Keyboard whose keys light up when you type them (potentially clickable)
- Printer with the compiled image
- Book of documentation with LaTeX tools (potentially a small library)
All in 3D