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This is a dbt package for creating synthetic data. Currently it supports Snowflake, Postgres, DuckDB, and SQLite (with the stats extension). Other backends may be added eventually.

All the magic happens in macros/*.

Table of Contents


Robert Fehrmann (CTO at Snowflake) has a couple good blog posts about generating random integers and strings or dates and times in Snowflake, which the base column types in this package emulate.

However, creating more realistic synthetic data requires more complex data column types, advanced random distributions, supporting datasets, and references to other models.

dbt_synth_data provides many macros to facilitate building out realistic synthetic data. It builds up a series of CTEs and joins from a base of randomly-generated values - see Architecture for details. dbt_synth_data is powerful, especially on Snowflake - it can create billions of rows and hundreds of GB of data. See Performance for details.


There are generally two approaches to creating synthetic or "fake" data:

  1. start with real data, de-identify it, and possibly "fuzz" or "jitter" some values
  2. start with nothing and synthesize data by describing it, including and distributions and correlations in the data

(Recent research has proposed a hybrid approach, where a "nearby" or similar synthetic data row (2) is selected for each row of a real, de-dentified row (1)... but adequately defining "nearby" is difficult.)

Approach (1) can be dangerous, suscpetible to re-identification and other adversarial attacks. dbt_synth_data implements approach (2) only.

Intended Use

Synthetic data generated with dbt_synth_data can be useful for testing user interfaces, demoing applications, performance-tuning operational systems, preparing training and other materials with realistic data, and potentially other uses.


The synthetic data created using dbt_synth_data should not be mistaken as being fully realistic, reflecting all correlations that may be present in the real world. Therefore please do not use data generated using this package to train ML models!

Supported backends

This package currently supports the following backends:

  • snowflake (with pip install dbt-snowflake)
  • postgres (with pip install dbt-postgres)
  • sqlite (with pip install dbt-sqlite)
  • duckdb (with pip install dbt-duckdb)


  1. add dbt_synth_data to your packages.yml
  2. run dbt deps
  3. run dbt seed
  4. add "dbt_packages/dbt_synth/macros" to your dbt_project.yml's macro-paths
  5. build your synthetic models as documented below
  6. dbt run


CTEs, joins, and fields defined by synth_column_*() are temporarily stored in dbt's target object during parse/run time, as this is one of few dbt objects that persist and are scoped across macros. Finally, synth_table() stitches everything together into a query of the general form

-- [various CTEs as required for selecting seed data or values from other models]
base as (
        -- base CTE includes a row_number, which facilitates generating integer or date sequences, primary keys, and more
        row_number() over (order by 1) as __row_number
    from table(generator( rowcount => [rows] )) -- snowflake
    -- from generate_series( 1, [rows] ) as s(idx) -- postgres, sqlite
join0 as (
        -- randomness source fields, such as
        UNIFORM(0::float, 1::float, RANDOM()) as field1__rand, -- snowflake
        -- RANDOM() as field1__rand, -- postgres
        -- [similar *__rand fields for other columns as required]
    from base
-- arbitrarily many further joins to the CTEs defined above
joinN as (
        join[N-1].*, -- all fields from prior joins, plus:
    from join[N-1]
        left join CTEx on ... -- something involving join[N-1].*__rand
synth_table as (
        -- only the fields we actually want to keep in the final table
        -- (intermediate fields, including *__rand, are dropped)
    from joinN

Note: with SQLite, the behavior of random() within CTEs and joins is non-deterministic, due to how the query optimizer works - see this link for details. Therefore, on SQLite only, temporary tables are created (CREATE TEMP TABLE ...) instead of most of the CTEs mentioned above. Only the final synth_table CTE is created, so the with syntax shown below still works. Temporary tables are deleted when the dbt run completes.

Simple example

Consider the example model orders.sql below:

{{ synth_column_primary_key(name='order_id') }}
{{ synth_column_foreign_key(name='product_id', model_name='products', column='product_id') }}
{{ synth_column_distribution(name='status', 
    distribution=synth_distribution(class='discrete', type='probabilities',
        probabilities={"New":0.2, "Shipped":0.5, "Returned":0.2, "Lost":0.1}
) }}
{{ synth_column_integer(name='quantity', min=1, max=10) }}
{{ synth_table(rows = 5000) }}
select * from synth_table

The model begins by defining the columns we want in the table, including:

  • order_id is the primary key on the table - it wil contain a unique hash value per row
  • product_id is a foreign key to the products table - values in this column will be uniformly-distributed, valid primary keys of the products table
  • each order has a status with several possible values, whose prevalence/likelihoods are given by a discrete probability distribution
  • quantity is the count of how many of the product were ordered, a uniformly-distributed integer from 1-10

Then a CTE called synth_table with 5000 rows of synthetic data is created and we select the results.

Note that the user must provide the opening with for CTEs and a final select * from synth_table - this allows flexibility to add your own CTEs at the top or bottom of the model, as well as arbitrary post-processing of columns produced by dbt_synth_data - see Advanced Usage for more details.


This package provides the following distributions:

Continuous Distributions


Generates uniformly-distributed real numbers.

    synth_distribution_continuous_uniform(min=0.6, max=7.9)

Default min is 0.0. Default max is 1.0. min and max are inclusive.

Example of continuous uniform distribution Above: Histogram of a continuous uniform distribution (1M values).


Generates normally-distributed (Gaussian) real numbers.

    synth_distribution_continuous_normal(mean=5, stddev=0.5)

Default mean is 0.0, default stddev is 1.0.

Example of continuous uniform distribution Above: Histogram of a continuous normal distribution (1M values).


Generates exponentially-distributed real numbers.


Default lambda is 1.0.

Example of continuous uniform distribution Above: Histogram of a continuous exponential distribution (1M values).

Discrete Distributions


Generates integers (0 and 1) according to a Bernoulli distribution.


Default p is 0.5.


Generates integers according to a Binomial distribution.

    synth_distribution_discrete_binomial(n=100, p=0.3)

Default n is 10, default p is 0.5.

Note that the implementation is approximate, based on a normal distribution (see here). For small n or p near 0 or 1, normally-distributed values may be < 0 or > n, which is impossible in a binomial distribution. These long-tail values are rare, so, while not completely correct, we use

  • abs() to shift those < 0
  • mod(..., n+1) to shift those > n

This may artificially increase small values. However, the approximation is close if n*p and n*(1-p) are large.


Generates discrete values according to a user-defined probability set.

    synth_distribution_discrete_weights(values=[1,3,5,7,9], weights=[1,1,6,3,1])

values is a required list of strings, floats, or integers; it has no default.

weights is an optional list of integers. It's length should be the same the length of values. If weights is omitted, each of the values will be equally likely. Otherwise, the integers indicate likelihood; in the example above, the value 5 will be about six times as prevalent as the value 9.

Avoid using weights with a large sum; this will generate long case statements which can run slowly.


Generates discrete values according to a user-defined probability set.

    synth_distribution_discrete_probabilities(probabilities={"1":0.15, "5":0.5, "8": 0.35})

probabilities is required and has no default. It may be

  • a list (array) such as [0.05, 0.8, 0.15], in which case the (zero-based) indices are the integer values generated
  • or a dictionary (key-value) structure such as { "1":0.05, "3":0.8, "7":0.15 } with integer keys (specified as strings in order to be valud JSON), in which case the keys are the integers generated

You may actually specify string or float keys in your probabilities dict to generate those values instead of integers, however you must specify the additional parameter keys_type="varchar" (or similar) so the the value types are correct. For example:

    synth_distributions_discrete_probabilities(probabilities={"cat":0.3, "dog":0.5, "parrot":0.2}, keys_type="varchar")

probabilities must sum to 1.0.

Note that, because values are generated using case statements, supplying probabilities with many digits of specificity will run slower, i.e., probabilities=[0.1, 0.3, 0.6] will generate something like

case floor( 10*random() )
    when 0 then 0
    when 1 then 1
    when 2 then 1
    when 3 then 1
    when 4 then 2
    when 5 then 2
    when 6 then 2
    when 7 then 2
    when 8 then 2
    when 9 then 2

while probabilities=[0.101, 0.301, 0.598] will generate something like

case floor( 1000*random() )
    when 0 then 0
    when ...
    when 99 then 0
    when 100 then 0
    when 101 then 1
    when ...
    when 400 then 1
    when 401 then 1
    when 402 then 1
    when 403 then 2
    when 998 then 2
    when 999 then 2

which takes longer for the database engine to evaluate.

Really you should avoid specifiying probabilities of more than 4 digits at the most.

Discretizing Continuous Distributions

Any of the continuous distributions listed above can be made discrete using the following mechanisms:


Converts values from continuous distributions to (discrete) integers by applying the floor() function.

        distribution=synth_distribution(class='...', type='...', ...),

Converts values from continuous distributions to (discrete) integers by applying the ceil() function.

        distribution=synth_distribution(class='...', type='...', ...),

Converts values from continuous distributions to discrete values by applying the round() function.

        distribution=synth_distribution(class='...', type='...', ...),

precision indicates the number of digits to round to.


Note that SQLite doesn't support width_bucket(); you will get an error if you try to use this function on SQLite.

Converts values from continuous distributions to discrete values by bucketing them. Buckets are specified by from and to bounds and either count (the number of buckets) or size (the target bucket size).

For some distributions (like uniform), the bounds may be strict - values outside the bounds are impossible. For other distributions (like exponential), specifying strict from and to bounds may be difficult. For this reason, if strict_bounds=False, the first bucket (index 0) will represent values below from. Likewise the last bucket (index count) will represent values above to. (strict_bounds defaults to True.) It is up to you to chose reasonable and useful from and to bounds for discretization.

labels may be

  • unspecified, in which case values will be mapped to the (1-based) bucket index (0-based if strict_bounds=False)
  • the string "lower_bound", in which case values will be mapped to the lower bound of the bucket (or -Infinity for the first bucket, if strict_bounds=False)
  • the string "upper_bound", in which case values will be mapped to the upper bound of the bucket (or +Infinity for the last bucket, if strict_bounds=False)
  • the string "bucket_range", in which case values will be mapped to a string of the format "[lower_bound] - [upper_bound]" for each bucket (lower_bound may be -Infinity and upper_bound may be Infinity if strict_bounds=False)
    • optionally specify the bucket_range_separator string that separates the upper and lower bucket bounds (default is " - ")
  • the string "bucket_average", in which case values will be mapped to bucket middle or average (or from for the first bucket and to for the last bucket, if strict_bounds=False)
  • a list of (string or numeric) bucket labels (the list must be equal in length to the number of buckets)

For all but the last option, you may optionally specify a label_precision, which is the number of digits bounds get rounded to. (Default is 4.)


        distribution=synth_distribution(class='...', type='...', ...),
        from=0.0, to=1.5, count=20, labels='lower_bound'
        distribution=synth_distribution(class='...', type='...', ...),
        from=0.0, to=1.5, size=0.1
        distribution=synth_distribution(class='...', type='...', ...),
        from=0.0, to=1.5, count=5, strict_bounds=False,
        labels=['< 0.0', '0.0 to 0.5', '0.5 to 1.0', '1.0 to 1.5', '> 1.5']

Constructing Complex Distributions

This package provides the following mechanisms for composing several distributions:


Generates values from several distributions with optional weights. If weights is omitted, each distribution is equally likely.

    {{ synth_distribution_union(
        synth_distribution(class='...', type='...', ...),
        synth_distribution(class='...', type='...', ...),
        weights=[1, 2, ...]
    ) }}

Up to 10 distributions may be unioned. (Compose the macro to union more.)

For example, make a bimodal distribution as follows:

{{ synth_table(
  rows = 100000,
  columns = [
            synth_distribution(class='continuous', type='normal', mean=5.0, stddev=1.0),
            synth_distribution(class='continuous', type='normal', mean=8.0, stddev=1.0),
            weights=[1, 2]
) }}
{{ config(post_hook=synth_get_post_hooks())}}

Here, values will come from the union of the two normal distributions, with the second distribution twice as likely as the first.

Example of continuous bimodal distribution Above: Histogram of a continuous bimodal distribution composed of the union of two normal distributions (1M values).

Example of union of continuous normal distributions Above: Histogram of the union of three continuous normal distributions (1M values).


Generates values from the (optionally weighted) average of values from several distributions. If weights is omitted, each distribution contributes equally to the average.

    {{ synth_distribution_average(
        synth_distribution(class='...', type='...', ...),
        synth_distribution(class='...', type='...', ...),
        weights=[1, 2, ...]
    ) }}

Up to 10 distributions may be averaged. (Compose the macro to average more.)

Example of continuous average distribution Above: Histogram of a continuous average distribution composed of a normal and an exponential distribution (1M values).

Making distributions configurable

dbt doesn't allow macro calls in project vars, but dbt_synth_data gets around this limitation and allows you to configure distributions in your vars and then parse and use them in your models. Consider the following example:

          mean: 15
          stddev: 5
          mean: 20
          stddev: 5
      weights: [1, 2]

You can use this distribution via synth_var() in models/schools.sql as follows:

{{ synth_column_primary_key(name='school_id') }}
{{ synth_column_integer(name="current_enrollment", min=100, max=2000) }}
{{ synth_column_distribution(name='teacher_student_ratio', 
) }}
{{ synth_column_integer(name='year_founded', min=1937, max=2022) }}
{{ synth_table(rows = 500) }}
select * from synth_table

Besides using synth_distribution_union() and synth_distribution_average(), you can also combine and compose distributions using synth_expression() like so:

      expression: greatest( 5, 10 + $0 + ln($1) )
          mean: 5
          stddev: 1.5
          mean: 10
          stddev: 2

Column types

This package provides the following data types:

Basic column types

Basic column types, which are quite performant.


Generates boolean values.

{{ synth_column_boolean(name="is_complete", pct_true=0.2) }}

Generates integer values.

For uniformly-distributed values, simply specify min and max:

{{ synth_column_integer(name="event_year", min=2000, max=2020) }}

For non-uniformly-distributed values, specify a discretized distribution:

{{ synth_column_distribution(name="event_year",
        distribution=synth_distribution_continuous_normal(mean=2010, stddev=2.5,)
) }}

Generates numeric values.

{{ synth_column_numeric(name="price", min=1.99, max=999.99, precision=2) }}

For non-uniformly-distributed values, specify a distribution rounded to the desired precision:

{{ synth_column_distribution(name="event_year",
        distribution=synth_distribution_continuous_normal(mean=500, stddev=180,),
) }}

Generates random strings.

{{ synth_column_string(name="password", min_length=10, max_length=20) }}

String characters will include A-Z, a-z, and 0-9.


Generates date values.

{{ synth_column_date(name="birth_date", min='1938-01-01', max='1994-12-31') }}
integer sequence

Generates an integer sequence (value is incremented at each row).

{{ synth_column_integer_sequence(name="day_of_year", step=1, start=1) }}
date sequence

Generates a date sequence.

{{ synth_column_date_sequence(name="calendar_date", start_date='2020-08-10', step=3)}}
primary key

Generates a primary key column. (Values are distinct hash strings.)

{{ synth_column_primary_key(name="product_id") }}

Generates the same (single, static) value for every row.

{{ synth_column_value(name="is_registered", value='Yes') }}

Generates values from a list of possible values, with optional probability weighting.

{{ synth_column_values(name="academic_subject",
    values=['Mathematics', 'Science', 'English Language Arts', 'Social Studies'],
    probabilities=[0.2, 0.3, 0.15, 0.35]
) }}

If probabilities are omitted, every value is equally likely.

(Uses synth_distribution_discrete_probabilities() under the hood.)


Generates values based on an expression (which may refer to other columns, or invoke SQL functions).

{{ synth_column_expression(name='week_of_calendar_year',
    expression="DATE_PART('week', calendar_date)::int"
) }}

Generates values by mapping from an expression involving existing columns to values in a dictionary.

{{ synth_column_mapping(name='day_type', expression='is_school_day',
    mapping=({ true:'Instructional day', false:'Non-instructional day' })
) }}

Statistical column types

Statistical column types can be used to make advanced statistical relationships between tables and columns.


Generates two or more columns with correlated values.

{% set birthyear_grade_correlations = ({
    "columns": {
        "birth_year": [ 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 ],
        "grade": [ 'Eighth grade', 'Ninth grade', 'Tenth grade', 'Eleventh grade', 'Twelfth grade' ]
    "probabilities": [
        [ 0.02, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 ],
        [ 0.15, 0.02, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 ],
        [ 0.03, 0.15, 0.02, 0.00, 0.00 ],
        [ 0.00, 0.03, 0.15, 0.02, 0.00 ],
        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.03, 0.15, 0.02 ],
        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.03, 0.15 ],
        [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.03 ]
{{ synth_column_primary_key(name='k_student') }}
{{ synth_column_correlation(data=birthyear_grade_correlations, column='birth_year') }}
{{ synth_column_correlation(data=birthyear_grade_correlations, column='grade') }}
{{ synth_table(rows=var('num_students')) }}
select * from synth_table

To created correlated columns, you must specify a data object representing the correlation, which contains

  • columns is a list of column names and possible values.
  • probabilities is a hypercube, with dimension equal to the number of columns, the elements of which sum to 1.0, indicating the probability of each possible combination of values for the columns. The outermost elements of the probabilities hypercube corresond to the values of the first column; the innermost elements of the hypercube correspond to the values of the last column. Each dimension of the hypercube must have the same size as the number of values for its corresponding column.

Constructing a probabilities hypercube of dimension more than two or three can be difficult – we recommend adding (temporary) comments and using indentation to keep track of columns, values, and dimensions.

Reference column types

Column types which reference values in other columns of the same or different table.

foreign key

Generates values that are a primary key of another table.

{{ synth_column_foreign_key(name='product_id', model_name='products', column='id') }}

Generates values based on looking up values from one column in another table..

{{ synth_column_lookup(name='gender', model_name='synth_firstnames', value_cols='first_name', from_col='name', to_col='gender', do_ref=True) }}

do_ref defaults to true, meaning that model_name will be wrapped in dbt's {{ ref(model_name) }}. However you can set do_ref=False to reference a local CTE instead.


Generates values by selecting them from another table, optionally weighted using a specified column of the other table.

{{ synth_column_select(
    filter="part_of_speech like '%ADJ%'",
) }}

The above will generate randomly-chosen adjectives (based on the specified filter), weighted by prevalence.

do_ref defaults to true, meaning that model_name will be wrapped in dbt's {{ ref(model_name) }}. However you can set do_ref=False to reference a local CTE instead.

Advanced column types

Advanced column types use real-world data which is maintained in the seeds/ directory. Some effort has been made to make these data sets

  • Generalized, rather than specific to a particular country, region, language, etc. For example, the words dictionary contains common words from many common languages, not just English.
  • Statistically rich, with associated metadata which makes the data more useful by capturing various distributions embedded in the data. For example, the countries list includes the (approximate) population and land area of each country, which facilitates generating country lists weighted according to these features. Likewise, the cities list has the latitude and longitude coordinates for each city, which facilitates generating fairly realistic coordinates for synthetic addresses.

Advanced column types may all specify a distribution="weighted" and weight_col="population" (or similar) to skew value distributions. They may also specify filter, which is a SQL where expression narrowing down the pool of data values that will be used. Finally, they may specify a filter_expressions dictionary which allows dynamic filtering based on expressions which can involve row values from other columns. If, for example, we are creating a country column and pass filter_expressions as

    "country_name": "INITCAP(my_country_col)",
    "geo_region_code": "my_geo_region_col"

then a WHERE clause like this will result:

AND synth_countries.geo_region_code=my_geo_region_col

(filter_expressions and filter - if any - are combined via logical AND.)


Generates a city, selected from the synth_cities seed table.

{{ synth_column_city(name='city', distribution="weighted", weight_col="population", filter="timezone like 'Europe/%'") }}
geo region

Generates a geo region (state, province, or territory), selected from the synth_geo_regions seed table.

{{ synth_column_geo_region(name='geo_region', distribution="weighted", weight_col="population", filter="country='United States'") }}

Generates a country, selected from the synth_countries seed table.

{{ synth_column_country(name='country', distribution="weighted", weight_col="population", filter="continent='Europe'") }}
first name

Generates a first name, selected from the synth_firstnames seed table.

{{ synth_column_firstname(name='first_name', filter="gender='Male'") }}
last name

Generates a last name, selected from the synth_lastnames seed table.

{{ synth_column_lastname(name='last_name') }}

Generates a single word, selected from the synth_words seed table.

{{ synth_column_word(name='random_word', language_code="en", distribution="weighted", pos=["NOUN", "VERB"], filter="LENGTH(word)>3") }}

The above generates a randomly-selected English noun or verb, weighted according to frequency, of at least four characters.

Rather than language_code you may specify language (such as language="English"), but a language must be specified with one of these parameters. See Words (Datasets) for a list of supported languages and parts of speech.


Generates several words, selected from the synth_words seed table.

{{ synth_column_words(name='random_phrase', language_code="en", distribution="uniform", n=5) }}

The above generates a random string of five words, uniformly districbuted, with the first letter of each word capitalized.

Alternatively, you can generate words using format strings, for example

{{ synth_column_words(name='course_title', language_code="en", distribution="uniform", format_strings=[
    "{ADV} learning for {ADJ} {NOUN}s",
    "{ADV} {VERB} {NOUN} course"
]) }}

This will generate sets of words according to one of the format strings you specify.

Note that this data type is constructed by separately generating a single word n times (or, for format_strings, the set union of all word instances from any format_string) and then concatenating them together, which can be slow if n is large (or you have many tokens in your format_strings).

Rather than language_code you may specify language (such as language="English"), but a language must be specified with one of these parameters. See Words (Data Sets) for a list of supported languages and parts of speech.


Generates a spoken language (name or 2- or 3-letter code), selected from the synth_languages seed table.

{{ synth_column_language(name='random_lang', type="name", distribution="weighted") }}

The optional type (which defaults to name) can take values name (the full English name of the language, e.g. Spanish), code2 (the ISO 693-2 two-letter code for the langage, e.g. es), or code3 (the ISO 693-3 three-letter code for the language, e.g. spa).

Composite column types

Composite column types put together several other column types into a more complex data type.


Generates an address, based on city, geo region, country, words, and other values.

Creating a column myaddress using this macro will also create intermediate columns myaddress__street_address, myaddress__city, myaddress__geo_region, and myaddress__postal_code (or whatever parts you specify). You can then add_update_hook()s that reference these intermediate columns if you'd like. For example:

{{ synth_column_primary_key(name='k_person') }}
{{ synth_column_firstname(name='first_name') }}
{{ synth_column_lastname(name='last_name') }}
{{ synth_column_address(name='home_address', countries=['United States'],
    parts=['street_address', 'city', 'geo_region', 'country', 'postal_code']) }}
{{ synth_column_expression(name='home_address_street', expression="home_address__street_address") }}
{{ synth_column_expression(name='home_address_city', expression="home_address__city") }}
{{ synth_column_expression(name='home_address_geo_region', expression="home_address__geo_region") }}
{{ synth_column_expression(name='home_address_country', expression="home_address__country") }}
{{ synth_column_expression(name='home_address_postal_code', expression="home_address__postal_code") }}

{{ synth_table(rows = 100) }}
{{ synth_add_cleanup_hook("alter table {{this}} drop column home_address") or "" }}

Alternatively, you may use something like

{{ synth_column_primary_key(name='k_person') }}
{{ synth_column_firstname(name='first_name') }}
{{ synth_column_lastname(name='last_name') }}
{{ synth_column_address(name='home_address_street', countries=['United States'], parts=['street_address']) }}
{{ synth_column_address(name='home_address_city', countries=['United States'], parts=['city']) }}
{{ synth_column_address(name='home_address_geo_region', countries=['United States'], parts=['geo_region']) }}
{{ synth_column_address(name='home_address_country', countries=['United States'], parts=['country']) }}
{{ synth_column_address(name='home_address_postal_code', countries=['United States'], parts=['postal_code']) }}
{{ synth_table(rows = 100) }}

Generates a phone number in the format (123) 456-7890.

{{ synth_column_phone_number(name="phone_number") }}

Advanced usage

Combining columns with expressions

Occasionally you may want to build up a more complex column's values from several simpler ones. This is easily done with an expression column, for example

{{ synth_column_primary_key(name="k_person") }}
{{ synth_column_firstname(name='first_name') }}
{{ synth_column_lastname(name='last_name') }}
{{ synth_column_expression(name='full_name', expression="first_name || ' ' || last_name") }}
{{ synth_remove(collection="final_fields", key="first_name") }}
{{ synth_remove(collection="final_fields", key="last_name") }}
{{ synth_table(rows = 100) }}

Note that you may want to "clean up" by supressing some of your intermediate columns, as shown with the synth_remove() calls in the example above.

Creating temporary columns

You may also want to modify another table only after this one is built. This is also possible using cleanup hooks.

For example, suppose you want to create products and orders, but you want some products to be exponentially more popular (more orders for) than others. This is possible by

  1. creating a products model with an extra popularity column:
    {{ synth_column_primary_key(name="k_product") }}
    {{ synth_column_string(name="name", min_length=10, max_length=20) }}
    {{ synth_column_distribution(name="popularity",
        distribution=synth_distribution(class='continuous', type='exponential', lambda=0.05)
    ) }}
    {{ synth_table(rows=50) }}
  2. creating an orders model with a synth_column_select() to products using your popularity column, then use a cleanup hook to drop the popularity column:
    {{ synth_column_primary_key(name="k_order") }}
    {{ synth_column_select(name="k_product", lookup_table="products", 
        value_col="k_product", distribution="weighted", weight_col="popularity") }}
    {{ synth_column_distribution(name="status",
        distribution=synth_distribution(class='discrete', type='probabilities',
            probabilities={"New":0.2, "Shipped":0.5, "Returned":0.2, "Lost":0.1}
    ) }}
    {{ synth_column_integer(name="num_ordered", min=1, max=10) }}
    {{ synth_add_cleanup_hook(
        'alter table {{target.database}}.{{target.schema}}.products drop column popularity'
    ) }}
    {{ synth_table(rows=5000) }}
    Note that the cleanup hook must go after any column definitions that rely on it, and before the synth_table() call.

Random seed

With Snowflake only (not other backends), you can specify a random seed. This package uses the dbt var {{ var("synth_randseed") }} (which defaults to 10000) and increments it each time random() is called. Snowflake asserts that even with a fixed seed, "there is no guarantee that RANDOM will generate the same set of values each time"; however in our testing it generally does. This means that (1) repeated dbt runs with the same seed wil likely generate same/similar data and (2) if you want new/different data, you should consider changing the synth_randseed var.

Configurable distributions

dbt allows configuration to be defined in the vars section of your dbt_project.yml but dynamic values are not supported (they must be numbers, strings, lists, or dictionaries, but not macro invocations). However it can be very useful to make various distributions in your synthetic data configurable. This is possibly by defining them in the vars section using a specific format and then referencing them using the synth_var() macro provided by this package.

For example, in your dbt_project.yml:

          # this ensures that the value is >= 1
          expression: greatest(1, 1 + $0)
            # average of an exponential and normal distribution
            # result is a skewed distribution, peaking around 1000
                  lambda: 0.0002
                  mean: 1100
                  stddev: 400
              weights: [1,2]

and then in your model:

{{ synth_column_distribution(name="my_column",
) }}
{{ synth_table(rows=1000) }}

When defining vars this way:

  • reference a macro by name, with () at the end
  • you may only reference macros for available distributions and discretizations
  • macro parameters must be passed by name
  • macro invocations may be nested arbitraily deep
  • values may be combined using synth_expression() with parameters expression and p0 up to p9 which expression references as $0 up to $9



The word list in seeds/synth_words.csv contains 70k words – the top 5k most common words from each of the following 14 languages:

  • Bulgarian (bg)
  • Czech (cs)
  • Danish (da)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • English (en)
  • Finnish (fi)
  • French (fr)
  • German (de)
  • Hungarian (hu)
  • Indonesian (id)
  • Italian (it)
  • Portuguese (pt)
  • Slovenian (sv)
  • Spanish (es)

With each word is associated a frequency, which is a value between 0 and 1 representing the frequency with which the word appears in common usage of the language, and a part of speech for the word, which is one of:

  • ADJ: adjective
  • ADP: adposition
  • ADV: adverb
  • AUX: auxiliary verb
  • CONJ: coordinating conjunction
  • DET: determiner
  • INTJ: interjection
  • NOUN: noun
  • NUM: numeral
  • PART: particle
  • PRON: pronoun
  • PROPN: proper noun
  • PUNCT: punctuation
  • SCONJ: subordinating conjunction
  • SYM: symbol
  • VERB: verb
  • X: other

Some words may functionally belong to multiple parts of speech; this dataset uses only the single most common.

The dataset is constructed based on word lists and frequencies from wordfreq and part-of-speech tagging from polyglot. Language availability is based on the set intersection of the languages supported by these two libraries.

You may run into an error when loading this data using dbt seed on SQLite - an issue has been raised with the dbt-sqlite adapter to solve this, in the meantime, you'd have to manually edit the seed batch size (make it smaller) to load synth_words in SQLite.


The language list in seeds/synth_languages.csv contains 222 commonly-spoken (living) languages, with, for each, the ISO 693-2 and ISO 693-3 language codes, the approximate number of speakers, and a list of countries in which the language is predominantly spoken. Country names are consistent with those in the countries dataset at seeds/synth_countries.csv.

The dataset is assembled primarily from Wikipedia, including this list of official languages by country, and the specific pages for each individual language.


Here we provide approximate benchmarks for synthetic data generation, using the models found in example_models/*.sql, for the various supported backends.

Model Columns Rows Snowflake runtime, size Postgres runtime, size SQLite runtime, size DuckDB runtime, size
distributions 13-15 10k 1.95s, 804KB 0.77s, 1.7MB 0.29s, 1.13MB 0.20s, 1.76MB
distributions 13-15 1M 7.15s, 73MB 8.93s, 166MB 8.70s, 115MB 16.0s, 189MB
distributions 13-15 100M 66.19s, 7.2GB 14.76min, 16GB 16.6min, 11.2GB -
distributions 13-15 10B 95.5min, 765GB - - -
columns 28 10k 20.2s, 2.2MB 6.5min, 4.6MB 37.26s, 3.92MB 0.82s, 2.25MB
columns 28 100k 69.0s, 21.2MB 64.9min, 46MB 9.3min, 39.1MB 12.44s, 18.2MB
columns 28 1M 10.2min, 109MB - 77.3min, 392MB -
columns 28 10M 27.3min, 654MB - - -
customers 8 100 7.07s, 36.5KB 1.34s, 32KB 0.67s, 10KB 0.20s, 1.0MB
products 3 50 4.01s, 16.0KB 1.09s, 16KB 0.43s, 4KB 0.11s, 256KB
stores 5 2 4.96s, 4.0KB 0.68s, 16KB 0.45s, 4KB 0.11s, 256KB
orders 4 1000 5.26s, 59.5KB 0.66s, 120KB 0.26s, 24KB 0.14s, 256KB
inventory 4 100 2.76s, 21.5KB 0.58s, 24KB 0.20s, 4KB 0.13s, 256KB
customers 8 10k 4.89s, 960KB 58.11s, 1.7MB 8.09s, 1.16MB 0.43s, 2.0MB
products 3 5k 2.57s, 275KB 41.33s, 544KB 3.63s, 248KB 0.25s, 1.0MB
stores 5 200 2.25s, 32KB 1.84s, 40KB 0.79s, 20KB 0.18s, 1.3MB
orders 4 100k 3.63s, 5.3MB 36.2min, 10MB 19.52s, 2.2MB 0.76s, 2.3MB
inventory 4 1M 18.75s, 60.3MB 35.9min, 134MB 3.6min, 18.7MB 19.3s, 25.9MB
customers 8 1M 58.75s, 57.6MB 1.55hr, 163MB 11.0min, 118MB 67.09s, 68.5MB
products 3 50k 11.51s, 2.4MB 6.76min, 4.9MB 33.54s, 2.49MB 0.56s, 2.75MB
stores 5 20k 3.54s, 1.3MB 1.86min, 2.5MB 12.82s, 1.56MB 0.28s, 2.0MB
orders 4 50M 2.24hr, 1.0GB - - -
inventory 4 100M 6.3hr, 2.5GB - - -

Missing values in the table above denote either failed runs (DuckDB kills a process that uses too much memory) or runs that took too long (much more than a couple of hours).

Snowflake runtimes are using a single Xsmall warehouse. Postgres runtimes are using an AWS RDS small instance. SQLite and DuckDB runtimes are using a Lenovo laptop with Intel i-5 2.6GHz processor, 16GB RAM, and 500GB SSD.

Performance comments

Some takeaways from the above data include

  • generating large data (> 50 GB) is really only possible using Snowflake
  • generating small data (< 1GB) is usually fastest using DuckDB or SQLite
  • model complexity (number of columns, and especially joins/references to other tables) significantly influences runtime


Coming soon!


Bugfixes and new features (such as additional transformation operations) are gratefully accepted via pull requests here on GitHub.



See License.


  • fix address so it selects a city, then uses the country (and geo_region) for that city, rather than a (different) random country (and geo_region)
  • implement other distributions... Poisson, Gamma, Power law/Pareto, Multinomial?
  • flesh out more seeds (and corresponding data columns) and composite columns (email address, IP address, user agent strings, file_name, URL, etc.)


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