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Mariusz Matyszczak edited this page Mar 5, 2023 · 1 revision


With its simple and intuitive interface, the Item class allows you to easily specify the properties of your item, including its name, lore, durability, and enchantments. Whether you're creating a new weapon, tool, or decorative item, the Item class provides a solid foundation that you can build upon to create your perfect item.


Basic usage of the Item class.

// one liner
Item pumpkinPie = Item.of(Material.PUMPKIN_PIE, 1, "Pumpkin Pie");

// builder
Item builderPie = Item.of(Material.PUMPKIN_PIE)
    .name("Pumpkin Pie");

Of course, everything supports colors, including HEX support.

// glowing diamond with colorful descriptions
Item diamond = Item.of(Material.DIAMOND)
    .amount(1) // not necessary, by default it's always 1
    .name("&bGlowing Diamond")
    .enchant(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 1) // for the glow
    .hideItemFlags(true) // to hide the enchantment
        "{#00bbff}This is a glowing diamond!",
        "&#00bbffIt's very shiny!",
        "&b&lIt's very expensive!")


By default Item aims to eliminate the usage of ItemMeta, however, if you'd like to edit it you can do it easily.

// the item meta way
Item item = Item.of(Material.DIAMOND, 1, "&bGlowing Diamond")
    .meta(meta -> {
        meta.addEnchant(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 1, true);


You may attach tags to your item.

// item with tags
Item frog = Item.of(Material.FISHING_ROD)
    .name("&aFrog Rod")
    .lore(List.of("&aThis is a frog rod!"))
    .setTag("frog", "hello", DataType.STRING); // attaching some string value

// check if the item has a tag
if (frog.hasTag("frog", DataType.STRING)) {
    // yep it's a frog for sure
    Optional<String> optional = frog.getTag("frog", DataType.STRING);
    String value = optional.get(); // "hello"

// get the optional value
Optional<String> optional = frog.getTag("frog", DataType.STRING);
optional.ifPresent(value -> {
    // do something with the value

Bukkit ItemStack

The Item class natively wraps an ItemStack instance so you can grab it anytime.

// golden apple
Item goldenApple = Item.of(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE, 1, "&6Golden Apple");
ItemStack itemStack = goldenApple.get(); // get the item stack
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