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w # Spring Boot application template

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The purpose of this template is to speed up the creation of new Spring applications within HMCTS and help keep the same standards across multiple teams. If you need to create a new app, you can simply use this one as a starting point and build on top of it.

What's inside

The template is a working application with a minimal setup. It contains:

  • application skeleton
  • common plugins and libraries
  • docker setup
  • code quality tools already set up
  • integration with Travis CI
  • Hystrix circuit breaker enabled
  • Hystrix dashboard
  • MIT license and contribution information

The application exposes health endpoint (http://localhost:4550/health) and metrics endpoint (http://localhost:4550/metrics).


The template contains the following plugins:

Building and deploying the application

Building the application

The project uses Gradle as a build tool. It already contains ./gradlew wrapper script, so there's no need to install gradle.

To build the project execute the following command:

  ./gradlew build


NEW: CFT Lib environment with cftlib Docker as well as running IDAM simulator and CCD on JVM

details in

Accessing databases

Postgres is started on port 6432 (default) and can be accessed with user postgres password postgres

The default postgres port can be overridden by setting the RSE_LIB_DB_PORT environment variable.

Database names
Service Database name
CCD definition store definitionstore
CCD data store datastore
CCD user profile userprofile
AM role assignment service am


Services run on the following default ports:

Service Port
CCD definition store 4451
CCD data store 4452
CCD user profile 4453
CCD case document Access Management 4455
AM role assignment service 4096
AAC assign access to a case 4454
XUI Manage cases 4454
XUI Manage org 4454
IDAM Simulator* 5000
S2S Simulator* 8489

When running AuthMode.Local

Clean boot

For a clean boot define the RSE_LIB_CLEAN_BOOT environment variable, which will force recreate all docker containers upon boot.

Live reload

Spring boot's devtools can be used to fast-reload your application whilst leaving other CFT services running, significantly improving the edit-compile-test cycle.

dependencies {
  cftlibImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools'

./gradlew bootJar
# run gradle with bootWithCCD to bring up the IDAM and CCD including cftlib Docker with elastic and database
./gradle bootWithCCD 
# run in debugger with 
./gradlew bootWithCCD --debug-jvm
or just click debug in intellij on probate-back-office [bootWithCCD] run/debug configuration

NOTE that the bootWithCCD brings up a prcess that just sits there, to exit either Ctrl-C 
     or press stop on the run tab in intellij.

NOTE I have sometimes had issues trying to get debugger up, my solution is to stop and terminate and try again.
If there is a problem with debugging message about "JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize"
Debugger might be stuck running, need to go to cmd line to kill task if it's been left hanging:
lsof -i tcp:5005
This will show the PID then can kill that PID using 

Also needs back office docker to bring up all services:

Login to XUI at localhost:3000 with [email protected] or [email protected] leave password empty
## END: NEW ############################################################################################################
## Original docker environment:
## Docker environment

Because the probate back office relies on CCD callbacks it must be run inside the docker-compose environment, and must be built before bringing the environment up. You will need to recompile after any code changes.

Build the jar with:

./gradlew assemble docker-compose build

Bring up the environment: 

before you start ensure that any env vars setup on whatever terminal you are --creat-ing from


# first time only

npx @hmcts/probate-dev-env --create

# spin up the docker containers

npx @hmcts/probate-dev-env

#### to stop

npx @hmcts/probate-dev-env --stop

#### to restart after stop

npx @hmcts/probate-dev-env --start

#### Then wait upto 5 mins for the images to spin up - check the SIDAM and CCD and probate-backoffice ones have started fully
#### To enable PBA payments for solicitors and sharing a case run this after startup of everything


#### To clear out all wiremock requests

curl -X 'DELETE' 'http://localhost:8991/__admin/mappings' -H 'accept: /'

#### Then check there are none

curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8991/__admin/mappings?limit=100&offset=0' -H 'accept: application/json'

#### re run the ./bin/wiremock above to apply as needed

# to use local probate backoffice

docker-compose stop probate-back-office ./gradlew assemble docker-compose up -d --build probate-back-office

##This is now the default setup

#### share case - manage-case setup 

before --create make sure you have this env var setup LD_SDK_AM_KEY (see Sanjay for the value) npx @hmcts/probate-dev-env --create npx @hmcts/probate-dev-env

upload new xls from local ./ccdImports/conversionScripts/ probate-back-office:4104 ./ccdImports/conversionScripts/

redeploy probate-backoffice image docker-compose stop probate-back-office && ./gradlew assemble && docker-compose up -d --build probate-back-office

make sure probate-backoffice and manage-case-assignment docker images are running make sure wiremock is running and populated http://localhost:3455/ login as one of the test PP users, create a case

if you are running low on memory you can stop probate-frontend, business-service, submit-service, orchestrtor etc

#### share case - manage-org additional setup

complete above uncomment docker image from the local docker-compose.yml: xui-manage-org docker-compose up -d xui-manage-org create a case to share unshare that case from everyone go to http://localhost:3001/ login with org user

  • [email protected] Probate123 click Unassigned cases link see unassigned cases + assign as needed

when you want to return to manage-case run ./bin/ create cases + share per org from here

#### wiremock url


# to clear out all images

npx @hmcts/probate-dev-env --destroy docker container rm $(docker container ls -a -q) docker image rm $(docker image ls -a -q) docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)

If you would like to test a new CCD config locally, you should run:

./ccdImports/conversionScripts/ probate-back-office:4104 ./ccdImports/conversionScripts/

## Full setup

Guidance on how to set up probate locally using the updated docker images.

##### 1) Install 

  sudo apt-get install jq

For mac

  brew install jq

NB. If you download the binary version it is called 'jq-osx-amd64' and the scripts later will fail because they are looking for 'jq'.

2) Login to azure
  az login
  az acr login --name hmctspublic --subscription DCD-CNP-Prod
  az acr login --name hmctsprivate --subscription DCD-CNP-Prod
3) Reset your docker images, containers etc.
   docker container rm $(docker container ls -a -q)
   docker image rm $(docker image ls -a -q)
   docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)

NB. Docker for desktop on a mac only allocates 2GB of memory by default, this is not enough I increased mine 16GB.

4) Run environments script
   ./ccd login

For linux/Mac

   source ./bin/
4.1) setup logstash

In order to work locally on probate-frontend you will need to clone project ccd-logstash from github. Checkout the probate-conf branch and build the docker image

   git checkout probate-conf
   docker build . -t ccd-logstash:probate

In probate-back-office/compose/elasticsearch.yml replace image: hmcts/ccd-logstash:latest with image: "ccd-logstash:probate"

5) Start up docker
   docker network create compose_default
   ./ccd compose pull
   ./ccd compose build
   ./ccd compose up
6) Create blob store container

Once docker has started run

7) Restart dm-store container

Find id of dm-store container

   docker ps | grep dm-store_1

Use id to stop container

   docker stop compose_dm-store_1_id

Start the dm-store container

   ./ccd compose up -d dm-store

7.1) Restart other containers

On linux you may have to restart any failing containers. These often fail to start:

  • dm-store
  • fees-api
  • payments-api
  • sidam-api

Restart in that order

8) Setup IDAM data.

To check the IDAM data, you can log into IDAM-web http://localhost:8082/login with [email protected]/Ref0rmIsFun.

9) Generate roles, json->xls and import
Create roles and users

You can check the user and roles on the IDAM-web by searching for [email protected] on Manager Users page.

Generate xls

For mac

   ./ccdImports/conversionScripts/ docker.for.mac.localhost:4104

For Windows 10

   ./ccdImports/conversionScripts/ host.docker.internal:4104

For linux (replace ip with your own ip)

   ./ccdImports/conversionScripts/ probate-back-office:4104 
Import xls
10) Start your local service
Pull probate specific ccd-logstash

pull ccd-logstash branch probate-conf locally then

docker build . -t ccd-logstash:probate


Login to ccd on http://localhost:3451. Caseworker: [email protected] / Pa55word11. Solicitor [email protected] / Pa55word11.

Start logstash-probateman (for legacy cases)

   sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f logstash/legacy-case-data-local.conf

Run probate-back-office app.

loging into to ccd-ui

For a solicitor use [email protected] : password
Alternatively, for a caseworker use
[email protected] : password

local document-store

You can go to a doc in dm by going to localhost:3453/documents/[**ID**]/binary .

Using Payments and fees

Add keywords to fees database


Running Back Office Puppeteer End To End Tests

The tests are located at src/test/end-to-end and must be maintainend and run, as they are run as part of the nightly Jenkins CI build. Configuration is set by default to be able to run in an npx created local environment without amendment.

Config is by environment variables with defaults if not present. The .env file does not contain environment variables, and so default values will be used for local run. These can be found in src/test/config.js, and are used by codecept config file src/test/end-to-end/codecept.conf.js.

The tests are node.js and best run in vs code. A launch vs code configuration has been provided to run the yarn script test:fullfunctional (not to be confused with functional tests).

To see if it's running ok, change config value TestShowBrowserWindow in config.js from false to true and the browser will show, allowing you to see what's going on.

The default test configuration runs all end to end tests, however, often we just want to run the ones that are failing. As a step towards running an individual test, a new env var has been added for local use: process.env.E2E_TEST_PATH (see config.js).

This defaults to './paths/**/*.js', which the Jenkins nightly build will use. However you can set this to a specific .js file path in src/test/paths to narrow down to a failing area.

Complete setup for local FE + e2e development


set following in default.yml

  useIDAM: 'true'
  requireCcdCaseId: 'true'

you shoud then be able to use a citizen user of

[email protected]/Pa55word11

add a dev.yaml file to the /config folder with contents

  launchDarklyKey: 'sdk-4d50eb6e-8400-4aa7-b4c5-8bdfc8b1d844'

emails can be monitored at:


run FE using

yarn start:ld

You should also be able to debug on intellij by starting server.js


no changes


no changes


set the following application.yml

  port: 8081

set the following application.yml

  url: http://localhost:5006


no changes


You will need to run with payments and fees docker images if you are expecting to make non-zero payments

Running the application as a docker image

Create the image of the application by executing the following command:

  ./gradlew installDist

Create docker image:

  docker-compose build

Run the distribution (created in build/install/spring-boot-template directory) by executing the following command:

  docker-compose up

This will start the API container exposing the application's port (set to 4550 in this template app).

In order to test if the application is up, you can call its health endpoint:

  curl http://localhost:4550/health

You should get a response similar to this:


Linking to a Probate-frontend PR

You must link a probate-frontend pr to a probate-orchestrator pr and that to your probate-backoffice pr

  • Create a PR off master for probate-orchestrator-service
  • Use the PR number of the BO build in values.yml. Replace:
BACK_OFFICE_API_URL: "http://probate-back-office-pr-1101.service.core-compute-preview.internal"
  • upgrade the Chart.yaml version in probate-orchestrator-service
version: 1.0.1
  • Create a PR off master for probate-frontend
  • Use the PR number of the Orchestrator build in values.yml. Replace:
ORCHESTRATOR_SERVICE_URL : http://probate-orchestrator-service-pr-334.service.core-compute-preview.internal
  • upgrade the Chart.yaml version in probate-frontend
version: 2.0.14
  • Build the 2 PRs above
  • For probate-frontend access, go to (use the pr number you just created for fe):
VPN and proxy will be needed to access this

#####REMEMBER ######Remove your unwanted FE/ORCH PRs when you have finished QA

Linking to a Caveats Frontend PR

Exactly the same as above, except you need to link on the probate-caveats-frontend PR

  • Create a PR off master for probate-orchestrator-service
  • Use the PR number of the BO build in values.yml. Replace:
BACK_OFFICE_API_URL: "http://probate-back-office-pr-1101.service.core-compute-preview.internal"
  • upgrade the Chart.yaml version in probate-orchestrator-service
version: 1.0.1
  • Create a PR off master for probate-caveats-frontend
  • Use the PR number of the Orchestrator build in values.yml. Replace:
ORCHESTRATOR_SERVICE_URL : http://probate-orchestrator-service-pr-334.service.core-compute-preview.internal
  • upgrade the Chart.yaml version in probate-caveats-frontend
version: 2.0.14
  • Build the 2 PRs above
  • For probate-caveats-frontend access, go to (use the pr number you just created for fe):
VPN and proxy will be needed to access this

PR Health urls

example PR urls

replace pr-{NUMBER} as appropriate


When the containers are restarted, ccd data has to be reloaded The user token expires approx every 4 hours

Mac users

You will need to reconfigure your docker settings to allow at least 6.5Gb


Hystrix is a library that helps you control the interactions between your application and other services by adding latency tolerance and fault tolerance logic. It does this by isolating points of access between the services, stopping cascading failures across them, and providing fallback options. We recommend you to use Hystrix in your application if it calls any services.

Hystrix circuit breaker

This template API has Hystrix Circuit Breaker already enabled. It monitors and manages all the@HystrixCommand or HystrixObservableCommand annotated methods inside @Component or @Service annotated classes.

Hystrix dashboard

When this API is running, you can monitor Hystrix metrics in real time using Hystrix Dashboard. In order to do this, visit http://localhost:4550/hystrix and provide http://localhost:4550/ as the Hystrix event stream URL. Keep in mind that you'll only see data once some of your Hystrix commands have been executed. Otherwise Loading ... message will be displayed on the monitoring page.


Hystrix offers much more than Circuit Breaker pattern implementation or command monitoring. Here are some other functionalities it provides:


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

PR XUI testing

A sample xui url for BO testing on the deployed env is:


e2e Testing

To run Probate Practitioner tests on ExUI locally do the following: 1. Update the config.js file TestBackOfficeUrl - http://localhost:3455 TestEnvProfUser - [email protected] TestEnvProfPassword - Probate123

To run Caseworker tests on XUI locally do the following: 1. Update the config.js file TestBackOfficeUrl - http://localhost:3455 TestEnvUser - [email protected] TestEnvPassword - Pa55word11


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