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Geniem WordPress Project template.

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Use this as a local development environment with our docker-image: devgeniem/ubuntu-docker-wordpress-development.

And our development tools: gdev.


  • This resembles roots/bedrock project layout.
  • Uploads directory has been moved into /var/www/uploads (locally mapped into .docker/uploads)
  • Uses composer for installing plugins
  • Include .drone.yml for using Drone CI.
  • Includes phantomjs tests through rspec for doing integration testing. Source: Seravo/wordpress.
  • Custom Nginx includes and env templating nginx configs

Workflow for WP projects

  1. After you have cloned this repository in the new client project replace all THEMENAME and PROJECTNAME references from all files from this project to your project name.
    • These can be for example: ClientName and client-name
  2. Change project test address in docker-compose.yml for example asiakas.test -> client-name.test
  3. Add all people working in the project into authors section of composer.json and rename the project devgeniem/wp-project->devgeniem/client in composer.json.
    • You can also add project managers, designers and other developers here.
    • This is important so that we always have accountable people to advise with the project later on when it eventually might turn to more legacy project.
  4. Setup minimun viable content seed in phinx seeds so that CI can reliably do the tests.
    • modify scripts/ script and add sphinx seed data, .sql dump file or custom wp cli commands.
  5. Use included linters for the code style and best practises
    • We use php codesniffer with custom config in phpcs.xml which contains Geniem Coding Standards.
    • This ruleset is here to help and make the developer to think about possible vulnerabilities.
    • When something doesn't fit into the ruleset you can ask for a code review and add comments to ignore certain line:
    // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
    $query_string  = filter_var($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)
    // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
  6. If you are using Flynn replace the application name in .drone.yml -> FLYNN_APP
  7. Add more rspec or phpunit tests while you continue to add features to your site.
    • This helps us to avoid regressions and will enable more agile refactoring of the code when needed.
  8. Update this Readme as many times as you can.
    • Most important details are usually the details about data models and their input/output.
    • Also add all 3rd-party dependencies here
  9. Replace BASIC_AUTH_USER and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD_HASH from Dockerfile with real credentials.
  10. Add slack notifications from builds by replacing wp-team channel to your slack channel.
  11. Define performance budget for this project by defining metrics into tests/sitespeed-budget.json.
    • When this project grows older always try to keep same performance and avoid changes which undermine the original performance goals.

IDE Support

We have preconfigured PhpStorm settings available in: These will be automatically installed when you run $ make init.

Start local development

This project includes example docker-compose.yml which you can use to develop locally. Ideally you would use gdev.

Propably the easiest way to start is to run:

$ make init

This starts the local development environment, installs packages using composer, builds project assets and seeds the database.


You can run the php codesniffer, rspec and sitespeed tests by using the Makefile:

$ make test

Open the url you provided in step 2 for example: client-name.test and start developing the site.

Google cloud build

The project base provides templates to build/test/deploy the project via Google Cloud Build (GCB) to Kontena. Google cloud CI/CD is configured by the yaml files in gcloud/. There are separate config files to configure staging and production enviroments. (This assumes it's a Geniem project. For other projects you need to also replace all the secrets as documented by Google)

To enable a build pipeline, do following:

  1. Replace PROJECTNAME and THEMENAME in the yaml files (gdev does this in the future).
  2. Replace mentions of asiakas in the yaml files, including tests/acceptance.suite.yml and the Kontena files (gdev does this in the future).
  3. Uncomment webpack/phpcs/integration test steps as needed -- Integration tests is still work in progress -- Configure them in tests/ if enabling
  4. Create build triggers to GCB -- Trigger from push to branch or tag in Github -- Build configuration type: cloudbuild.yaml. -- Set location as gcloud/cloudbuild_stage.yaml or gcloud/cloudbuild_production.yaml
  5. Run the build once to store image in
  6. Install Kontena stack.

Further description is located in gcloud/


Environment variables

The project uses environment variables to define settings for WordPress. This is not a complete list and will be completed in the future!


This environment variable controls the WordPress blog_public option via the WP Readonly Options plugin.


  • 1 (integer) (default) I would like my blog to be visible to everyone, including search engines.
  • 0 (integer) I would like to block search engines, but allow normal visitors.

Composer dependencies' descriptions

# List of used repositories:

  ## WPACKAGIST - the main repo for WordPress plugins.

    "type": "composer",
    "url": ""

  ## Koodimonni's repo for ḱeeping WP language packets up-to-date through composer

    "type": "composer",
    "url": ""


# List of used plugins / vendor packets

  ## Minimun php version

    "php": ">=7.0"

  ## WordPress as a composer dependency

    "johnpbloch/wordpress": ">=4.5.0"

  ## Loads environment variables from .env to getenv() to be used in project configs.

    "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^2.0.1"

  ## Also loads the environment variables. Why is this needed?

    "oscarotero/env": "^1.0"

  ## We're able to specify different paths for packages with this. WP plugins, for example, are installed to web/app/plugins with the help of this package.

    "composer/installers": "v1.0.12"

  ## We use this to be able to install Koodimonni's language packets via composer. With this installer we can install multiple packets to one folder. We can also install our object-cache-dropin to its needed path with this.

    "koodimonni/composer-dropin-installer": ">=1.0"

  ## Finnish language for WordPress via Composer

    "koodimonni-language/core-fi": "*"

  ## A collection of plugins and dropins that simplify the wp and add security to it. The list can be seen here:

    "devgeniem/wp-safe-fast-and-clean-collection": ">=1.0"

  ## Adds a prettier database connection error page.

    "devgeniem/better-wp-db-error": ">=0.1"

  ## Sets robots.txt according to given envinronment variables from the config.

    "devgeniem/wp-noindex-testing-staging-robots": "^1.0"

  ## This is used for creating seeds for projects with many developers. The seed is also used for CI tests.

    "robmorgan/phinx": "^0.5.3"

  ## This is used to monitor actions made by different users of the WP admin.

    "wpackagist-plugin/stream": ">=3.2.0",

  ## This is used to enhance the capabilities of the WP default media library. With this we can for example categorize the added media items.

    "wpackagist-plugin/enhanced-media-library": ">=2.4.4",

  ## The geniem redis object cache dropin package. This is installed under /app so that WP uses it instead of its own object cache file.

    "devgeniem/wp-redis-object-cache-dropin": ">=1.3.4"

  ## Whoops debugging for WordPress

    "rarst/wps": ">=1.0.0"

# List of plugin and dropin paths

  ## Custom paths for packages of certain types, e.g. wordpress plugins.

    "installer-paths": {
      "web/app/mu-plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-muplugin","rarst/wps"],
      "web/app/plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-plugin"],
      "web/app/themes/{$name}": ["type:wordpress-theme"]

  ## Custom paths for Koodimonni's dropin-installer

    "dropin-paths": {
      "web/app/": ["type:wordpress-dropin"],
      "web/app/languages/": ["vendor:koodimonni-language"],
      "web/app/languages/plugins/": ["vendor:koodimonni-plugin-language"],
      "web/app/languages/themes/": ["vendor:koodimonni-theme-language"]

  ## WP itself goes here

    "wordpress-install-dir": "web/wp"


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