Yet another WarioWare plugin for Team Fortress 2 servers.
This plugin is now being maintained as of August 2018.
This plugin utilises the following extensions:
- Sound Info Library extension - / (Used for determining sound file length for themes and minigames.)
- SteamTools extension - (Used for setting the game description)
- TF2Items extension - (Used for giving player weapons, etc.)
- SendProxy Manager extension - latest version at (Used for HUD messaging. NOTE: On SM1.9 you will need to set sv_parallel_packentities to 0)
This plugin uses many code snippets from other plugins over the years. Credit where credit is due, and I do not claim ownership over said code snippets.
- Source game map jointly developed by Steveh, Mario6493 and Testinglol
- Particles by Testinglol
- Textures by Mario6493 and Testinglol
- Overlays by Steveh
MicroTF2 is a project by GEMINI Developments. Their homepage can be accessed at the following URL: