01/10/2020: This contains the final code and documentaion for "MSC in Data Analytic at NCIRL" by Martin Mohan "Transiting Planet Search in the Kepler Pipeline Using Automated Machine Learning"
See doc/ for a description.
doc/exoplanet.pdf - Report doc/configManual.pdf - Configuration Manual
doc/viva.mp4 - Project overview doc/viva.pdf
doc/codeWT.mp4 - Project code walkthrough doc/codeWT.pdf
For tpot installation see http://epistasislab.github.io/tpot/installing/ For help ./Treat1.py -h Then run Treat1.py -> Treat2.py -> Treat3.py -> Treat4.py -> Treat5.py
08/02/2023: Shell scripts being replaced with Makefile and python unit tests. e.g. Treat1_test.py. TODO: The actual content has been changed e.g TCE->TCE1.csv (to be checked if still reasonable values. Future warnings fixed eg. Treat2.py line 245,380)