- 📚 I’m currently studying Control Science and Engineering in Harbin Institute of Technology
- 🌱 I’m interested in Robot Control and AI
- FLTPlanner: Implementation of Kiniematic Collision-aware Foothold Reachability Criteria (KCFRC) and MINCO trajectory optimization for legged locomotion.
- hexapod_control: Hexapod MPC-WBC controller based on OCS2 & legged_control.
- HexapodElevationMapping: Sensor Module & Elevation mapping bundle for Robot both in simulation and real world.
- LeggedKinModule: A kinematic module for legged robots which have leg-symmetry using Pinocchio & IKFast.
- IKFast_wrapper: A IKFast wrapper for Inverse Kinematics.
- ros_visualizer: A simple&light ros visualizer for RViz.
- excavator_ws: Excavator ROS workspace for arm & chasis control based on Moveit! & move_base.
- ChatPaper2Xmind: A useful tool for paper to Xmind conversion.
- ChatGPT_API_NoKey: A fake ChatGPT API server free of charging!
- XmindCopilot: A Xmind note editor.
- python-InvoiceMgr: A invoice manager that helps with reimbursement.
- NotingDown: A screenshot and document image reinforcement software.
- ProjectKeeper: A git-like software that helps organize and back up files in projects.