Discord Manager Bot
Bot frontend functionality represented by extensions:
- Utility
- Config
- Ranking
- Invite
- Stats
Each extension provides a set of commands and background tasks useful for managing your discord guild as well as discord bot itself. Every extension has own help page containing brief description and command usage provided by this extension.
Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/Mathtin/overlord.git
cd overlord
Install the dependencies via pip
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Create .env file
cp .env.template .env
nano .env
Create configuration file
cp overlord_example.cfg overlord.cfg
nano overlord.cfg
Start app
python3 src/main.py
Pull latest image from hub
docker pull mathtin/overlord:latest
Create env and configuration files
wget -O overlord.env https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mathtin/overlord/master/.env.template
nano overlord.env
wget -O overlord.cfg https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mathtin/overlord/master/overlord_example.cfg
nano overlord.cfg
Run container (attach to network where your db is reachable)
docker run -d --name overlord-bot \
-e $(pwd)/overlord.env \
-v $(pwd)/overlord.cfg:/app/overlord.cfg \
--network=multi-host-network \
Or you can use docker compose (postgres+overlord) using files from repository
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mathtin/overlord/master/docker-compose.yml
mkdir scripts && wget -P scripts https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mathtin/overlord/master/scripts/01_users.sql
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mathtin/overlord/master/database.env
Set password in database.env
Note: DATABASE_ACCESS_URL=postgresql+asyncpg://root:PASTE_PASSWORD_HERE@postgres_container/overlord
Issues and pull requests are highly welcomed!
Copyright (c) 2020 Daniel Mathtin Shiko
- Danila DeadBlasoul Popov