This repo contains an example Rails app and various examples of augmenting the app with StimulusReflex and CableReady.
The various branches in this repo have different examples progressively added;
- master - the basic example app and least interesting branch
- install-stimulus-reflex - two commits installing and setting up StimulusReflex in the existing app
- reactive-forms - augments bits of the existing app to add reactive UX / real-time DOM updates via SR
- live-validation - adds live form validation feedback with SR
- inline-updates - adds some inline-update functionality to (admin) users index page with SR
- modals - adds some dynamically-rendered modals to the courses page with SR
- notifications - adds a "notifications" feature to the app and adds live DOM feedback via broadcasted multi-user push updates
- messages - adds a "messaging" feature to the app and augments it with some basic live-chat functionality on top
- api - a quick experiment in refactoring / code organisation between namespaced admin controllers, api controllers, and reflexes.
Additional notes and setup will be added in the wiki.