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Contribute Translations

gregory-diaz edited this page Jul 21, 2015 · 1 revision

###Contributing Translations

If you would like to contribute translations, please do so by using the most up-to-date Translation files. You can do so by going into the Translations folder on the master branch of the MatterControl github repository.

MatterControl uses a file-based localization system.

####To create a new translation:

1.Get the latest version of the 'Translations' folder on the master branch of our github repository.

2.Locate the 'Master.txt' file, create a working copy in a separate location.

3.The 'Translation.txt' file contains all translatable strings within MatterControl in the following format:

English: Add a file to be printed
Translated: Add a file to be printed

4.Replace the 'Translated' line with the appropriate translation:

English: Add a file to be printed
Translated: Agregar archivo a ser impreso

5.Test the translated file by saving over an existing translation file (ex. '\StaticData\Translations\es\Translation.txt'

6.Email the translated file to [email protected] for inclusion in the next release.

####To edit an existing translation:

1.Get the latest version of the 'Translations' folder on the master branch of our github repository.

2.Locate the 'Translation.txt' file within the appropriate folder (folder names use ISO 2-Digit codes).

3.The 'Master.txt' file contains all translatable strings within MatterControl in the following format:

English: Add a file to be printed
Translated: Add a file to be printed

4.Replace the 'Translated' line with the appropriate translation:

English: Add a file to be printed
Translated: Agregar archivo a ser impreso

5.Test the translated file by saving over an existing translation file (ex. '\StaticData\Translations\es\Translation.txt'

6.Email the translated file to [email protected] for inclusion in the next release.