A passionate Software Engineer in training, with a strong interest in Web Development and emerging technologies.
🔭 I am currently a volunteer in NASA Space Apps Challenge Quito and other personal projects under construction
🌱 Actively learning Microservices, AI/ML, and Cloud Technologies
👯 Looking to collaborate on open-source projects and agile development teams
📫 You can reach me at [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact: I'm an enthusiast of psychology and emotional intelligence
NASA Space Apps Challenge: Developed a web application for student registration in a hackathon, including the automation of personalized emails to over 900 participants.
Responsibility Management and Reminders System - FEPON: Implemented a task tracking system to optimize internal communication and improve productivity at the EPN Students Federation.
Braille Translator Website: Created a website to translate Spanish into Braille, making information more accessible for visually impaired individuals.
- Microservices Architecture: Exploring the construction of scalable and distributed applications.
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Fundamentals and applications in software development.
- Collaborate on innovative projects that challenge my skills and expand my knowledge.
- Contribute to the open-source community and continue building my professional portfolio.
- Gain work experience in an environment that fosters continuous learning and professional growth.