First create a folder containg your genome file (fasta format) This folder should also contain the following files :
- R_script_numero1.R
- R_script_numero2.R
- Classification_outgroups.prot
- Classification_OR_multifasta.prot
- The Interproscan launcher (
- All_fishes_cdhit_80.fa
Several dependencies are needed :
- IQ-TREE 1.6.12
- samtools v1.9
- BLAST 2.6.0+
- MAFFT v7.310
- CD-HIT 4.8.1
- R with the packages "data.table", "dplyr", "plyranges", "GenomicRanges"
How to run the pipeline ?
First step consist in finding functional OR genes from the genome. Start by launching :
./OR_Finder_Step1.bash genome.fasta All_fishes_cdhit_80.fa path_to_unitprot_database
The results will consist in phylogenetic tree containing all the putative ORs found in the genome. You can visualise this tree on iTOL, root using non-OR outgroup sequences and select sequences that are well clustered with OR genes. The label of good ORs (sequence name without the fasta header >) should be put in a text file, with one sequence per line. Example :
File_good_seqs.txt :
The second part of the pipeline concist in finding OR pseudogenes and incomplete genes :
./OR_Finder_Step2.bash genome.fasta File_good_seqs.txt
This will result in several output files :
- RESULTS_Pseudogenes.fa containing pseudogenes
- Functionnals_Edges_Truncated_cdhit.fa containing functional and incomplete genes
- Classification_fasta.prot.aln.treefile that will help you to classify OR genes in families
One can also classify pseudogenes by performing a blastx against known fish ORs and assign pseudogenes based on their best blastx match
To get results faster, one can compute near-ML trees with FastTree instead of ML trees produced with IQ-TREE but results could change a bit.
Do not hesitate to sent me an e-mail ([email protected]) to suggest modifications or to report any problem !
PS : The manual verification can be omitted using the R package "ape" to exlucde sequences that are not grouped with OR genes in the phylogeny. This is currently being integrated in the pipeline with some other modifications. This new pipeline will be released soon