My personal LuaLatex Preamble.
Include these preamble files into your LuaLaTeX Project by git submodule add [email protected]:MaximilianMoeller/luatex-preamble.git
All preamble files assume the following directory structure of your project:
tex root directory/
|– main.tex
|– main.tex.latexmain
|– references.bib
|– sections/
| |– Introduction.tex
| |– …
|– preamble/
| |– 01-mandatory.tex
| |– …
Your main.tex
file should then look something like this:
%!TEX TS-program = lualatex
% Mix and match whatever you need
% This part of the preamble is indispensable for this template to work.
% other, project specific preamble settings
% your document content goes here
Unless stated otherwise, all documents in this project are licensed under the Creative Commons License. You are thereby free to share and adapt their contents for any purpose, even comercially under the condition that you include the following attribution:
(C) Maximilian Moeller,, CC BY 4.0 Deed