Best task manager for you
IT-Company-Task-Manager deployed to Render
The IT Company Task Manager project is a software tool designed to streamline task management processes within an organization. This project provides an easy-to-use interface for programmers to view and manage tasks assigned to them, as well as collaborate with team members on project-related activities.
The Task Manager project enables programmers to track task progress, monitor project timelines, and prioritize assignments. It also facilitates seamless communication between team members, enabling them to discuss task-related issues and share updates in real-time.
With its user-friendly interface and robust feature set, the IT Company Task Manager project empowers programmers to increase their productivity, manage their workload more efficiently, and ultimately deliver high-quality work on time. Whether working on small or large-scale projects, this project is an invaluable tool for any programmer looking to enhance their task management capabilities.
Login: user
Password: user12345
Python3 must be already installed
git clone
python -m venv venv
venv\Scripts\activate (on Windows)
source venv/bin/activate (on macOS)
pip install -r requirements.txt
python loaddata task_manager_db_data.json
python runserver
- Login page:
- Registration page:
- Home page:
- All tasks page:
- All tasks search page:
- Task create page:
- Task detail page:
- Page with the addition of workers:
- Page for update task:
- Page for confirm delete task:
- All workers page:
- All workers search page:
- Detailed page about the worker:
- The worker detail page, if this is your account:
- The worker detail page when the description changes:
- Worker update page:
- Profile page: