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Releases: MazamaScience/AirMonitor


26 Sep 22:55
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AirMonitor 0.4.2

  • Updated monitor_nowcast() to work in "forecast" mode -- retain NowCast
    values in the final hour even when no PM2.5 value is available. This should
    match the way NowCast is calculated at AirNow. See:


06 May 00:16
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AirMonitor 0.4.1

Defaulting to the new PM_NAAQS update in all functions that accept the NAAQS


12 Feb 15:54
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AirMonitor 0.4.0

Version 0.4 includes several new convenience functions as well as minor changes
throughout the code base to support the upcoming change to the PM_NAAQS See:
PM_NAAQS update

Users will see an optional NAAQS parameter in plotting functions.
This parameter defaults to "PM2.5" but also accepts "PM2.5_2024" to have things
colored according to the updated NAAQS thresholds.

The monitor_aqi(), monitor_dailyThreshold() and monitor_toAQCTAble()
functions also accept this argument and will use updated NAAQS thresholds when

Version 0.4 has updated package dependencies:

MazamaCoreUtils (>= 0.5.2),
MazamaRollUtils (>= 0.1.3),
MazamaTimeSeries (>= 0.2.16),
  • Added monitor_pull() to retrieve a column of data from either meta or data.
  • Added monitor_slice_head() and monitor_slice_tail() to subset a
    mts_monitor object after it has been been ordered by monitor_arrange().
  • Added monitor_setTimeAxis() which is useful when you want to place separate
    monitor objects on the same time axis for plotting.
  • Added aqiCategories() to return a matrix of integers or names associated
    with incoming PM2.5 values.
  • Added mnoitor_toAQCTable() for easy generation of a table the number of hours
    or days each site spent in a particular AQ category.


25 Aug 22:16
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AirMonitor 0.3.12

  • Updated monitor_loadLatest(), monitor_loadDaily() and monitor_loadAnnual()
    with improved logic to handle multiple deployments at a single location. These
    functions intentionally only return a single deviceDeploymentID per locationID
    and preferentially retain AirNow data over data from AIRSIS or WRCC. The new logic
    applies to cases where multiple deployments exist within AirNow (or AIRSIS or WRCC)
    and retains the deployment that has the most recent data.
  • Addressed CRAN package documentation issue.


11 May 15:34
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AirMonitor 0.3.11

  • Added monitor_arrange() to reorder time series in a mts_monitor object
    based on a variable in mts_monitor$meta.


09 Feb 00:23
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AirMonitor 0.3.10

  • Guarantee the existence of a fullAQSID field in all loaded data.


06 Feb 18:08
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AirMonitor 0.3.9

  • Tweaks to pass CRAN checks.


26 Oct 21:33
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AirMonitor 0.3.7

  • Added epa_aqs_loadAnnual().
  • Updated monitor_loadAnnual() to load epa_aqs data.
  • Added epaPreference argument to monitor_load().
  • Updated monitor_combine() with an overlapStrategy argument. With
    overlapStrategy = "replace all", values from later timeseries (including NA)
    always replace values from earlier timeseries. With overlapStrategy = "replace na",
    values from later timeseries only replace NA values in earlier timeseries.

AirMonitor 0.3.6

  • Updated vignettes.
  • Updated NW_Megafires dataset from corrected database.
  • Added "Save Data as CSV" article.


12 Oct 23:01
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AirMonitor 0.3.5

  • Now depending on MazamaTimeSeries 0.2.8 for the mts_selectWhere() function.
  • Updated data sets with latest version of the data.


10 Oct 21:44
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AirMonitor 0.3.4

  • Improved logic for QC_removeSuspectData argument to airsis_load~() and
    wrcc_load~() functions.
  • Added QC_QC_invalidateConsecutiveSuspectValues() function.