MeMAD metadata converter that transforms legacy metadata from INA and Yle into RDF using the MeMAD and EBU Core ontologies. MeMAD Ontology:
All the scripts are written in Python3. To run these scripts, the following libraries should be installed beforehand: pandas, tqdm and rdflib. These dependecies can be installed using pip
usage: python3 [ld|pa|yle] [-h] [-p PATH] [-o OUTPUT] [-f FLOW_MAPPING] [-k]
MeMAD Converter
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PATH, --path PATH Specify the path for the dataset (or datasets) to process
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Specify the path to which the TTL output would be
-f FLOW_MAPPING, --flow_mapping FLOW_MAPPING
Specify the path to a file containing the mapping
between filenames and their Flow identifier.
-k, --keep_mappings add this flag to generate CSV files for mapping
Programs to their URIs
!! For the subtitles mapping to work on INA's data, the Legal Deposit graph should be generated first (with the -k
parameter) to guarantee that every subtitle line can be matched to its original program.