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GUI Version Documentation

MechTechnology edited this page Oct 15, 2022 · 1 revision

GUI Version Documentation

GUI Version of SmartStitch is very feature packed, so to make it easier for user to navigate, it is broken down to 3 main tabs.

  • Basic -> (Holds Basic Settings)
  • Advanced -> (Holds Advanced Settings)
  • Postprocess -> (Holds Postprocess Settings mostly for Script Manics)

Basic Settings

These are the required settings that all users should be mindful of.

Input Folder Path

Here you have to set the path for the Input Folder which contains the raws that will be processed by the program. by directly inputing the path or by using the browse

[v3 Feature Change]

  • There is no longer a need for a batch mode that existed in v2 thus it was removed.
  • the program will now automatically explore the input for possible viable work directories (Folders with img files in it).
  • It will work through each directory and create an output path, with the same directory structure.
  • This essentially works the same as batch mode, but i can explore deep in the directory tree

Example to clarify the change

  • Let us say I set input Path to C:\ManhwaRawsX
  • The program will explore all directories in it, and will find let us say 5 nested folders
  • It only find 3 of those folders have img files in them (Ex C:\ManhwaRawsX\Chapter1, C:\ManhwaRawsX\Chapter2\Part1, C:\ManhwaRawsX\Chapter2\Part2)
  • It will run the process for each of these folders separately and return an output folder named C:\ManhwaRawsX [stitched]\
  • It will hold C:\ManhwaRawsX [stitched]\Chapter1, C:\ManhwaRawsX [stitched]\Chapter2\Part1, C:\ManhwaRawsX [stitched]\Chapter2\Part2

** This is a huge improvement over batch mode in v2, because that batch mode was not able to explore deeply nested folders like C:\ManhwaRawsX [stitched]\Chapter2\Part1 and C:\ManhwaRawsX [stitched]\Chapter2\Part2

Output Folder Path

Here you can set the path for the Output Folder which contains the files that has been processed. By default it's automatically set as the input path with the word [stitched] appended to it.


  • Input Path + [stitched]*

Output File Type

It's the type of image files that the program will explore, The default output type is .png`` since it is lossless, however you can always change to other types, such as jpg``` which are lossy (Please look at the upcoming setting), it's entirely up to the user what format they want.


  • .png

Supported Types:

  • png
  • jpg
  • webp
  • bmp
  • tiff
  • tga

Lossy File Quality

If you wish to use a lossy output format such as .jpg, it's now possible to set the quality for the file type. This field only appears with lossy format


  • 100

Supported Range:

  • 1-100

Rough Panel Height

Here you set the size that you want most panel to roughly be, the program will uses it as a guide to see where to slice/cut the images, however it IS ROUGH, meaning if the program finds bubbles/sfx/whatever at that specific pixel length, it will try to find the next closest position where it can cut the image. Thus the output size of each image will vary because of that, but they all will be roughly around this size, this variation depends entire on the detector you use (More on that in the advanced setting section).


  • 5000