This tutorial runs you thorough some basic Kubernetes concepts, and after showcases the usage of different service mesh implementations over it. We going to show you the basics of Linkerd and Istio.
Disclaimer: this tutorial was tested on a Ubuntu 18.04 environment using K3s version 1.0.0 which build upon Kubernetes version 1.16.3. Other Linux platforms / versions should work very similarly with slight modification of the commands.
For this tutorial we will use K3s which is a lightweight certified Kubernetes distribution created by Rancher mainly for testing and IoT use-cases. For the sake of simplicity, we will use K3s with Docker rather than it's default mode, which uses Containerd.
So first, install Docker:
apt update
apt install -y
systemctl enable docker.service # so after a restart Docker will start also
Then, install K3s with Docker enabled:
curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--docker" sh -
That's it. You have now a running Kubernetes cluster, which has only one node. You can check whether it is working:
kubectl version
kubectl get pods -A
Pro tip: enable kubectl
bash completion
source <(kubectl completion bash)
Usually, we interact with Kubernetes using YAML
files. Actually, it's just a way to interact with the API server of Kubernetes.
You create an object in the API server, and Kubernetes will make sure that the object will run (or in other word, the desired state is fulfilled).
In Kubernetes you can run containers in so-called Pods. A Pod is a collection of one or more containers. Usually, we run only one container in a Pod, but you can run more. This will be a very important pattern for the service mesh.
Run your first Pod with an Nginx container:
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx
Check the status of the Pod:
kubectl get pods
You can also see more details (e.g. the internal IP address of Pod, the node that the Pod is located, etc.):
kubectl get pods -o wide
Now check the Nginx server with curl
curl `kubectl get pod nginx -o jsonpath='{.status.podIP}'`
You can delete the Pod:
kubectl delete pod nginx
kubectl get pods
The second most important object is the Deployment. A Deployment represents a set of multiple, identical Pods with no unique identities. A Deployment runs multiple replicas of your application and automatically replaces any instances that fail or become unresponsive. In this way, Deployments help ensure that one or more instances of your application are available to serve user requests. Deployments are managed by the Kubernetes Deployment controller. Run you first deployment with 3 Nginx images using version 1.16.1:
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx
replicas: 3
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.16.1
Check the created Deployment:
kubectl get deployments -o wide
And check the Pods which were created by the Deployment:
kubectl get pods -o wide
Actually, to be very specific, the Deployment does not create the Pods. The Deployment creates a so-called ReplicaSet, which then will create the Pods. Although this might sound complicated, this is the very basic of Kubernetes: you create a primary resource in the API, and a controller can react to it by creating secondary resources. This will be also a very basic pattern of the service mesh.
kubectl get replicasets -o wide
Now a very cool thing you can do with a Deployment is a RollingUpdate
, when you update a version
of a container, and Kubernetes will replace the effected Pods.
You can update the Nginx image version to 1.17.1 by the following command and see the result
(notice that the new Pods will get new IP addresses):
kubectl patch deployment nginx -p '{"spec":{"template": {"spec": {"containers":[{"name":"nginx","image":"nginx:1.17.1"}]}}}}'
watch kubectl get pods -o wide
Since this update was all managed by the Deployment controller of Kubernetes, you can actually see the history, and if you want roll back to the previous version (again, the new Pods will get new IPs even though you "rolled back"):
kubectl rollout history deployment nginx
kubectl rollout undo deployment nginx
watch kubectl get pods -o wide
The next very important objects are Services. In the previous example you could see that the IP address of Pods are constantly changing.
Obviously, you don't want to keep asking Kubernetes for the IP of the Pods, and also you may not want to choose from the available endpoints.
This is where Services come in: you will get one constant(ish) IP that will always point to certain type of Pods (which has the same label sets, so for e.g. every Pod controlled by a Deployment) and also, load balance between them. Create a Service for your nginx
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nginx
app: nginx
type: ClusterIP
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
kubectl get services -o wide
Now use curl
to access the Service. Also, believe me that if you run this multiple times, your queries will be randomly
load balanced to one of the three Nginx Pods:
curl `kubectl get service nginx -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'`
The other interesting thing with Services, is that Kubernetes will generate an internal DNS entry, that your Pods can use
to access each other. That's the Kubernetes' way of service discovery. Start an alpine
Pod, and see this for yourself:
kubectl run -i --tty alpine --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=alpine -- sh
nslookup nginx
wget -O - nginx
kubectl delete pod alpine
This is really cool, but now you only got a DNS entry and an IP address that can be access from within your cluster. Some of the Pods (typically front-end servers/proxies, API gateways) should be accessible from outside the cluster. To achieve this you mainly have three ways in Kubernetes: i) use a Service with type NodePort, ii) use a Service with type LoadBalancer or iii) use the Ingress object of Kubernetes.
NodePort will open you a port between 30000-32767 on every(!) host in your cluster to forward that to a given port of your service. Obviously, this is not the recommended way to externally access a Service from the outside, but it is quick so good for testing purposes. You can actually use the same port number to access the Service from you browser (make sure you firewall allows this port range):
kubectl patch service nginx -p '{"spec":{"type": "NodePort"}}'
kubectl get services -o wide
curl`kubectl get service nginx -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[].nodePort}'`
The second way of external access is the LoadBalancer
type Service. Although, this name might be a bit confusing, since
the default ClusterIP
type Service also does load balancing between the Pods, but on the other hand it tells you that usually
to make this work you need an actual (hardware) load balancer. Kubernetes has to communicate with this load balancer to request a
public IP that will then point to your internal Service. This does not come automatically, and in a basic cluster it won't work without an extra component. However, usually in managed clusters (e.g. GKE, AKS, EKS) it is configured for you. Luckily, also in K3s you have a default way that let's you deal with this, and will open the same ports that are defined in your Service on every node similarly to the NodePort
type, but using the exact same port numbers (not between the 30000-32767). This will actually make your ports collide very frequently since for e.g. every web server tends to same 80/443 port numbers.
Actually, changing the nignx
service to LoadBalancer
type won't work, since there is already web server listening on the port 80 and 443, that is the so-called Ingress Controller that is the 3rd way to make your services exposed to the Internet as long as you use HTTP/HTTPS.
K3s by default uses the Traefik
proxy as an Ingress Controller. You can see the details with the following two commands:
kubectl describe deployment -n kube-system traefik
kubectl get services -n kube-system -o wide
Note that the traefik
Service has type LoadBalancer
and has the same External IP as the primary IP of you machine.
You can also open this in your browser and see that its working (although you will get a 404 page not found
error since you have no Ingress configured yet).
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Ingress
name: test-ingress
annotations: traefik
- http:
- path: /
serviceName: nginx
servicePort: 80
kubectl get
You can refresh the page in you browser and see that the default Nginx page loaded, which means that your query did reach one of the Nginx Pods.
Finally, we can put all these together. The great thing in Kubernetes is that you can define multiple API objects in one file. This means that you can run a more complex application with just one command. A very good demo is this by Weaveworks. You can use their complete yaml file to run the whole web shop in a few commands. You just have to create a Namespace first, apply the yaml manifest and create an ingress to access it (and delete the old ingress we just created):
kubectl create namespace sock-shop
kubectl apply -f
kubectl get pods -n sock-shop -o wide
kubectl get services -n sock-shop -o wide
kubectl delete test-ingress # delete the old ingress
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Ingress
name: sock-shop
namespace: sock-shop
annotations: traefik
- http:
- path: /
serviceName: front-end
servicePort: 80
kubectl get -n sock-shop
Wait until all the Pods in the sock-shop
namespace is running. And hopefully, after refreshing you browser you should see the sock shop application.
Take a look again at the application you just deployed:
kubectl get pods -n sock-shop -o wide
So now you have 13 Pods running and have no clue who talks to who, and where is the problem in case you have any. That's what service mesh for, to see through this chaos. Originally, Linkerd was developed by a group who was working on a way more complex microservice environment at Twitter. Read this blog post for more info. The current 2.0 version of Linkerd was specifically made for Kubernetes as a lightweight but powerful Service Mesh implementation to help you see through this microservice chaos. So let's see who this works. Mostly, I will follow this guide, so take a look on it, since they update this very frequently as new versions of Linkerd are coming out.
First, intall the linkerd
CLI tool:
curl -sL | sh
export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/.linkerd2/bin
cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml .kube/config # sudo might be needed linkerd version
Check that everything is ready in your Kubernetes cluster to install Linkerd:
linkerd check --pre
If everything went OK, you can add Linkerd to your culster, and check the status:
linkerd install | kubectl apply -f -
linkerd check
kubectl get pods -n linkerd
Linkerd has a built-in dashbord that we going to expose by changing its service from
to LoadBalancer
kubectl patch service -n linkerd linkerd-web -p '{"spec":{"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
kubectl get services -n linkerd -o wide
You should now able to access the Linkerd web dashboard via your browser on port 8084 using HTTP (not HTTPS).
Now it's time to inject the sidecar proxies next to your application Pod to implement a Servce Mesh.
Linkerd can do such thing by the linkerd inject
command. (You can actually also tag a namespace to
set up auto-inject, but that's for another time.)
kubectl get deployments -n sock-shop -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -
watch kubectl get pods -n sock-shop
If everything is ready you should see the same webshop in the browser. From the users' viewpoint nothing has changed. But from the operators' perspective, we now have a much more deeper visibility into our environment. Try generate some load and see the numbers on the dashboard:
while true; do sleep 0.5; curl -s > /dev/null; date;done
So that's Linkerd for you. Pretty easy, very lightweight but quite powerful. There are many more advanced features, which we won't cover here. Please take a look here to see all the features. And keep in mind, Linkerd is in very active development so features are appearing in a very fast pace.
So for now, let's clean up before we move on to Istio:
kubectl get deployments -n sock-shop -o yaml | linkerd uninject - | kubectl apply -f -
linkerd install --ignore-cluster | kubectl delete -f -
kubectl get pods -A
Istio is another popular Service Mesh implementation. Compared to Linkerd, it is much more feature rich (you can do crazy things with it), but as a result it is much more heavy, meaning that it's control plane requires much more resource to run, and operating it might need a dedicated team (how has much to learn). But some people say, it's definitely worth the effort.
The other major difference is that while Linkerd uses it's own proxy implementation (written in Rust), Istio uses a proxy called Envoy. It's actually Envoy who can implement these rich features. Istio is basically a control plane over Envoy.
So let's install Istio. First, download the latest release of istioctl
(as of now 1.4.0):
curl -L | sh -
cd istio-1.4.0
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
Before we actually install Istio to our cluster, we going to remove the built in Ingress controller of K3s, since Istio has it's own (also based on Envoy):
kubectl patch service -n kube-system traefik -p '{"spec":{"type": "NodePort"}}'
kubectl delete -n sock-shop sock-shop
kubectl delete -n kube-system `kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o name | grep svclb-traefik`
Now we are ready to install Istio. Type the following and wait until every Pod is in running state:
istioctl manifest apply --set profile=demo
kubectl get pods -n istio-system
Now we can inject side car proxies next to our existing application, similarly to what we did in case in of Linkerd (but remember, you can also enable auto injection in a namespace):
kubectl get deployments -n sock-shop -o yaml | istioctl kube-inject -f - | kubectl apply -f -
watch kubectl get pods -n sock-shop
Now here comes the tricky part. Most of the shenanigans you can do with Istio is done via so-called Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). These are similar object to what we discussed in the beginning (so Pods, Deployments, Services), but they are not part of a basic Kubernetes cluster. We can only create them because we just installed Istio and they are specific to Istio. When we talk about the control plane of Istio, we mostly mean custom controllers which can watch these custom API endpoints and do funky things when you add something (mainly they program the Envoy sidecars).
Let's check these Custom Resource Definitions by the following commands (ignore the * one, those are very similar resources, but added by the K3s itself).
kubectl get crds
Now, let's expose the sock-shop
front-end, but not by a regular Ingress object, but
an Istio specific one:
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Gateway
name: sock-shop
namespace: sock-shop
istio: ingressgateway
- port:
number: 80
name: http
protocol: HTTP
- "*"
kubectl get -n sock-shop
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: VirtualService
name: sock-shop
namespace: sock-shop
- "*"
- sock-shop
- route:
- destination:
number: 80
host: front-end
kubectl get -n sock-shop
If everything went well, you should now be able to open the website from you browser. But again, from this perspective the page looks the same as before. So, now lets see what Istio provides for visibility. First, let's expose Kiali which is a dashboard for Istio (make sure port 20001 isn't blocked by a firewall).
kubectl patch service -n istio-system kiali -p '{"spec":{"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
kubectl get services -n istio-system -o wide
Now open Kiali at port 20001. Use admin/admin as credentials.
There are other interesting obeservability tools included in Istion. For e.g. Prometheus for metrics collection with a Grafana dashboard, and Jaeger for tracing. You can take a look at these dashboards as well by exposing them:
kubectl patch service -n istio-system grafana -p '{"spec":{"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
kubectl patch service -n istio-system jaeger-query -p '{"spec":{"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
kubectl get services -n istio-system -o wide
You can clean up Istio by the following command:
istioctl manifest generate --set profile=demo | kubectl delete -f -