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Beep bop, i'm a bot.

Mora encapsulates a whole lot of different features that are primarily for entertainment purposes.

Be sure to read through Mora--bot wiki page in case you are interested in details of how to host this bot yourself

Command list

Currently used prefix = %
Any essential arguments are surrounded by <> and optional arguments by []

help : Reference a user to a github readme file (this one)

srvstats : Show statistics of the server where the command was called

botstats : Show statistics related to the bot

poll <one thing .or other thing .or ... > : set up a poll to vote on something!

stubs "<text/stub>" "<response text/stubby>" [links] : Assign any message to <text/stub> and store it.

rmstub "<text/stub>" : Remove a stub

rmstubby "<text/stub>" "<response text/stubby>" : Remove a stubby that belongs to a specific stub

rmmedia "<text/stub>" : Remove all media of referenced stub

sst "<text/stub>" [text] : Displays referenced stub's text and/or media, if addition "text" was written, then it will display only text

stubstats : Display the amount of times stubs were called in every channel of the server

stubstats this : Display statistics of how many times every stub was called in a specific channel of the server

vod <query> : Search for a video that matches a post it back to the user

r <subreddit> <top[topall/topmonth/topweek/tophour]/new/hot/controversial/rising> : View posts from specified subreddit based on a given ranking

wiki <query> : Search for a wiki article based on a and post it back to the user

distext <user refrence/text> : distorts text of a specified user or supplied text

uwu <user refrence/text> : uwu-fies text of a specified user or supplied text

give <user> <thing to give> : give a random thing to anyone on the server to make them feel a certain way

how <user> <cool/not cool/silly etc> : how "something" is someone?

how <something> : how "something" is user?

how <something> <is|are|am> <something> : how "adjective" is "something"

ask8 <question> : Ask a yes/now question, get a simple answer

pick <this .or that .or this ...> : picks one of many given items e.g. %pick this or that or this 2 or that 2 -> picks this

pick : 1 or 0?

ranum <number> <number> x<number> : generates a random number or set of numbers proceeding from given values. First 2 numbers are what define range, last number with "x" prefix is how many random numbers in a given range a user would like to receive. Maximum total of generated numbers is 9

bruh : for real bruh moments

oof : oof sounds

asciimg <some image either attached or a link> : turns any image into ascii art

hug <user> [2] : hug a user

hot <user/text> : adds a text written by mentioned user or a supplied text to an image

stomp <user> : stomp a user

muda <user> : muda muda muda muda muda muda muda!

ora <user> : ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!

comment <message> : say anything you want, the message will be visible in a specified by dev channel. (All comments are anonymous) Tooth emoji means channel hasn't been set, eye and ear emoji means your message has been sent successfully.

gen_ad : generate a random ad to join something

fortune : tells you your future...

Dev. Command list

reload : a force reset of the database on any server

reload all : a force reset of the whole database back to default values

errlog : send an error log in dms of the dev.

gdbump <channel> <message> : creates an ad of the server and posts it on reddit.

set_commChannel : sets a commenting channel where all the commands from %comment will go.


Discord bot, primarily used for entertainment purposes.






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