Pytorch_Fanatics is a Python library for ease of Computer Vision tasks.This contains a bunch of various tools which will help to create customized codes to train CV models.
* Dataset class
* LRFinder
* EarlyStopping
* Trainer
* Logger
* Saver
Use the package manager pip to install pytorch_fanatics.
pip install pytorch_fanatics
from pytorch_fanatics.dataloader import Cloader
dataset = Cloader(image_path,targets,resize=None,transforms=None)
""" returns {'image':tensor_image,'targets':tensor_labels} """
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset,batch_size=64
""" using next(iter(dataloader)) returns a dictionary with keys 'image'
and 'targets'."""
from pytorch_fanatics.utils import LRFinder
lr_finder = LRFinder(model,train_dataloader,optimizer,device
""" This creates an object, finds the lr based on the optimizer used."""
lr_finder.find() """ To find the lr """
lr_finder.plot() """ Plots the graph (Loss V/S lr) """
""" LRFinder starts the LR from inital_lr(which is kept small) and
gradually increases the lr. Please finetune your model for 2-3 epochs
and then use this for better results ."""
from pytorch_fanatics.utils import EarlyStop
es = EarlyStop(patience=7, mode="max", delta=0.0001)
""" Sample code """
for epoch in range(epochs):
epoch_score = Trainer.evaluate(......)
es(epoch_score , model , model_path ="./best.pth")
""" model_path is the location+filename to save the best model """
if es.early_stop=True:
es.reset() """ resets the best_epoch_score, if in case training multiple
folds without creating 'es' object again and again."""
from pytorch_fanatics.trainer import Trainer
trainer = Trainer(model,optimizer,device,train_scheduler = None,
val_scheduler = None,accumulation_steps=1,fp16=False,
use_mean_loss=False,checkpoint=None,save_path = "./")
""" Training and Evaluating """
train_loss = trainer.train(train_dataloader)
y_true ,y_pred,val_loss = trainer.evaluate(val_dataloader)
""" Prediction """
y_preds = trainer.predict(test_dataloader)
""" In depths """
""" train_scheduler/val_scheduler : call scheduler.step() while training
or after validating
accumulation_step : implements gradient accumulation
(default = 1)
fp16 : mixed precision training
use_mean_loss : loss.mean().backward()
(false if loss is already meaned)
checkpoint : torch.load(checkpoint),loads the
checkpoint and resumes training.
save_path : location to save the last epoch
weights """
""" Having problem with non resumable training epochs? """
trainer.saver() """ saves the last epoch to the save_path location """
""" dataloader must be set in the same state to resume training
Use []
an implementation of ResumableRandomSampler() """
sampler = ResumableRandomSampler(dataset)
loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=64, sampler=sampler), "test_samp.pth") -- save the state
sampler.set_state(torch.load("test_samp.pth")) -- load and set the state
""" and tadaa , resume training 100 % :) """
from pytorch_fanatics.logger import Logger
logger = Logger(path="./") """ save path for logger"""
logger.write( message ,verbose = 1) """ verbose to print the message"""
""" Helps Keep Track of Training """
from pytorch_fanatics.utils import Saver
saver = Saver(path="./" , mode = "max")
""" saves the model, optimizer and scheduler based on score and mode """,optimizer,scheduler,metric)
NOTE ( Regarding model )
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.base_model = timm.create_model('resnet18',pretrained=True,num_classes=1)
def forward(self, image, targets):
batch_size, _, _, _ = image.shape
out = self.base_model(image)
loss = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()(out.view(batch_size,), targets.type_as(out))
return out, loss
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
- FastAi Documentations for LRFinder.
- Pytorch Documentations.
- Abhishek Thakur Sir's Github Project wtfml(Awesome work Have a look at it too).