Syncs an Amazon Wishlist with trello
Every time you run the rake, it checks the amazon wishlist (just the first page, pagination is not implemented yet, no need for my use) and create a trello card via trello-to-email in the selected board. It also have an anti-duplication service.
The good things is that you can run the service frequently for free in Heroku.
**Warning: Email-To-Trello can take up to 15 minutes to delay, keep calm
The system depends on two external apps:
And the emailing system and the database (redis).
The environment variables that you have to provide are:
- WISHLIST_URL: Wishlist URL to sync
** is the structure of one of my lists. Remeber to set the list to public one
- TRELLO_EMAIL: Email of email-to-trello
it looks like: [email protected]
TRELLO_LABEL: It will be added at the end of the card title if you put for example '#Books' the card will have the label '#Books', if you put the label '#Books #to_read' it will have both labels and so on.
POSTMARK_API_KEY: Is the API key of Postmark (first 25.000 emails for free)
it looks like: 13312ss8e-1a37-3192-9991-ss3222z8z99c
FROM_EMAIL: A valid postmark from email, take a look in Postmark.
REDIS_URL: For the Redis config. Provided by Heroku
[email protected]:MiguelBel/AmazonWishlistToTrello.git
cd AmazonWishlistToTrello/
mix deps.get
You can execute the task with:
WISHLIST_URL=your_wl_url TRELLO_EMAIL=your_trello_email TRELLO_LABEL=your_trello_label POSTMARK_API_KEY=your_postmark_ak FROM_EMAIL=your_from_email mix run synchronize.ex
Heroku is the easiest way of host the service for free.
heroku create
heroku buildpacks:set # Allows to execute Elixir in heroku
git push heroku master
heroku config:set WISHLIST_URL=your_wl_url TRELLO_EMAIL=your_trello_email TRELLO_LABEL=your_trello_label POSTMARK_API_KEY=your_postmark_ak FROM_EMAIL=your_from_email
heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev # Adds the heroku addon, it is already configured
heroku addons:create scheduler:standard # Adds the scheduler
heroku addons:open scheduler
nd then it will open a webpage where you have to set the job and the frequency. You call to the job with the command mix run synchronize.ex
The final result should look like: