A classic Minesweeper game implemented in C++ using the Allegro 5 library.
This is a graphical version of the classic Minesweeper game. The objective is to clear a rectangular board containing hidden "mines" without detonating any of them, with help from clues about the number of neighboring mines in each field.
- Reveal a cell: Left-click on a cell to reveal it.
- Mark a cell: Right-click on a cell to mark it as a mine.
- Unmark a cell: Right-click again on a marked cell to unmark it.
The game ends when:
- Win: All non-mine cells are revealed.
- Lose: A mine is revealed.
- Left Click: Reveal a cell.
- Right Click: Mark or unmark a cell.
- R Key: Restart the game.
- Q Key: Quit the game.
- Customizable Grid Size: Allow choosing different grid sizes and difficulty levels.
- High Score Tracking: Record and display the fastest times for completing the game.
- Sound Effects: Add sounds for clicking, marking, and game over events.
- Improved Graphics: Enhance the visual appeal with better graphics and animations.