Unofficial snort3 IDS/IPS software docker image.
- From : Debian Bookworm Slim
- Size : 756 MB
- Time : Build from source. Take multiples minutes depending on your system
- Snort Version :
- Libdaq Version : 3.0.16
- Trivy : 0 unfixed vulnerabilities.
docker pull mikehorn/snort3:latest
git clone
cd docker-snort3/
docker compose build
To use file from your host :
- Create a directory in your home with the name snort
- Modify the docker-compose.yml, to replace the $USER var to your username in the volumes section
- Place the files you want in host : /home/$USER/snort
- In the docker container they are available at /files
docker compose run --rm snort3 -i eth0
docker compose run --rm snort3 -r /files/file.pcap
- Create and configure snort.conf file.
- Add docker-compose.yml file.
- Push image to Docker Hub.