This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
Column | Type | Options |
string | null: false, unique: true | |
password | string | null: false |
nickname | string | null: false |
phone_number | string | null: false, unique: true |
first_name | string | null: false |
last_name | string | null: false |
first_name_kana | string | null: false |
last_name_kana | string | null: false |
date_of_birth | date | null: false |
- has_many :buyer_products, class_name: "product"
- has_many :seller_products, class_name: "product"
- has_many :comments
- has_many :messages
- has_many :addresses
- has_many :likes
- has_one :card
- has_one_attached :avatar
Column | Type | Options |
name | string | null: false |
description | text | null: false |
seller_id | references | null: false, foreign_key: { to_table: :users } |
buyer_id | references | foreign_key: { to_table: :users } |
category | references | null: false, foreign_key: true |
brand | references | foreign_key: true |
size | references | null: false, foreign_key: true |
condition | integer | null: false |
shipping_cost | integer | null: false |
shipping_area | integer | null: false |
shipping_date | integer | null: false |
shipping_address | references | foreign_key:{ to_table: :addresses } |
price | integer | null: false |
- belongs_to :seller, class_name: "User"
- belongs_to :buyer, class_name: "User"
- has_many :comments
- has_many :messages
- has_many :likes
- has_many_attached :images
- belongs_to :category
- belongs_to :brand
- belongs_to :size
Column | Type | Options |
user_id | references | null: false, foreign_key: true |
product_id | references | null: false, foreign_key: true |
status | boolean | null: false |
- belongs_to :user
- belongs_to :product
Column | Type | Options |
name | string | null: false |
- has_many :products
- has_many :category_brands
- has_many :brands, through: :category_brands
- has_many :category_sizes
- has_many :sizes, through: :category_sizes
Column | Type | Options |
name | string | null: false |
- has_many :products
- has_many :category_brands
- has_many :categories, through: :category_brands
Column | Type | Options |
category_id | references | null: false, foreign_key: true |
brand_id | references | null: false, foreign_key: true |
ancestry | string | null: false |
- belongs_to :category
- belongs_to :brand
Column | Type | Options |
name | string | null: false |
- has_many :products
- has_many :category_sizes
- has_many :categories, through: :category_sizes
Column | Type | Options |
category_id | references | null: false,foreign_key: true |
size_id | references | null: false,foreign_key: true |
- belongs_to :category
- belongs_to :size
Column | Type | Options |
text | text | null: false |
product_id | references | null: false,foreign_key: true |
user_id | references | null: false,foreign_key: true |
- belongs_to :product
- belongs_to :user
Column | Type | Options |
text | text | null: false |
product_id | references | null: false, foreign_key: true |
user_id | references | null: false, foreign_key: true |
- belongs_to :product
- belongs_to :user
Column | Type | Options |
user_id | references | null: false, foreign_key: true |
first_name | string | null: false |
last_name | string | null: false |
first_name_kana | string | null: false |
last_name_kana | string | null: false |
postal_code | string | null: false |
prefecture | integer | null: false |
city_name | string | null: false |
block_number | string | null: false |
building_name | string | |
phone_number | string | null: false |
- belongs_to :user
Column | Type | Options |
user_id | references | null: false, foreign_key: true |
customer_id | string | null: false |
card_id | string | null: false |
- belongs_to :user
Column | Type | Options |
name | string | null: false |
record_type | string | null: false |
record_id | integer | null: false |
blob_id | integer | null: false |
Column | Type | Options |
key | string | null: false |
filename | string | null: false |
content_type | string | null: false |
metadate | text | null: false |
byte_size | integer(8) | null: false |
checksum | string | null: false |