A desktop app that provides detailed information about a Spotify playlist
- Clone the repository/download the zip file
- Open a console window and navigate to the zip file location/repository
- Navigate to */AboutAPlaylist/java_backend/out/artifacts/java_backend_jar/
- Give the command "java -jar java_backend.jar"
- Your default browser should open to a page asking for your permission to access Spotify - Click Agree to use the App
- Close the browser window
- The console window should now say "Server Started!" after successful start
- Open a new console window and navigate back to the zip file location/repository
- Navigate to */AboutAPlaylist/react_frontend
- Give the command "npm install" and wait for install to complete
- After installation, give the command "npm start" and wait for the application to appear in your prefered browser
- Once the main window has appeared, find a Spotify playlist link, copy it, and paste it into the main window and wait for the results
Have fun!