Ars Magica Legacy is a Legacy version of Ars Magica 2 by Mithion.
You can find the downloads on CurseForge.
If you want to support development consider donating on Patreon.
For donating we reward you with a donators-only role on Discord.
With that role you will always be up-to-date with development and can give feedback directly to the devs.
Please report any bugs here on github
This mod requires
- Patchouli by Vazkii on version 1.15.2-1.2-34 or higher
- SimpleOreLib version 1.3
We still need help
If you want to help with development join us on Discord and ping an admin
You can find our current roadmap here
Ars Magica: Legacy provides an API for mod developers to add their own content like custom spell-components, affinities, ...
To use it you just need to add the following to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
name = "GitHubPackages"
url = ""
credentials {
username = <gpruser>
password = <gprtoken>
dependencies {
// compile against the API but do not include it at runtime
compileOnly fg.deobf("minecraftschurli:arsmagicalegacy:[CURRENT_MC_VERSION]-[CURRENT_ARSMAGICA_VERSION]:api")
// at runtime, use the full jar
runtimeOnly fg.deobf("minecraftschurli:arsmagicalegacy:[CURRENT_MC_VERSION]-[CURRENT_ARSMAGICA_VERSION]")