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Applies transformations to .java and .class files using a unified high level API.

Internal Architecture and Implementation

Project Structure

JavaTransformer is organized into several key packages:

Key Concepts

  • Unified Abstraction: The project provides a unified interface (ClassInfo, MethodInfo, FieldInfo) for working with both bytecode and source code, allowing transformers to be written agnostic of the underlying format.

  • Multi-format Support: JavaTransformer can load, transform, and save both bytecode (.class) and source code (.java) files, seamlessly switching between formats as needed.

  • Flexible Transformation: The transformer system allows for both general transformers (applied to all classes) and targeted transformers (applied to specific classes), providing fine-grained control over the transformation process.

  • Code Fragment Insertion: The CodeFragment system allows for inserting new code into existing methods, supporting both bytecode and source code formats. This enables complex transformations that go beyond simple structural changes.

  • Type Resolution: The ResolutionContext and ClassPath components provide robust type resolution capabilities, ensuring that transformations can accurately work with types across different classes and packages.

  • Bytecode Generation: For bytecode transformations, JavaTransformer uses ASM to generate and modify bytecode, providing low-level control over the JVM instructions.

  • Source Code Generation: For source code transformations, JavaTransformer uses JavaParser to generate and modify Java source code, preserving formatting and comments where possible.

Core Components and Their Interactions


The JavaTransformer class (src/main/java/dev/minco/javatransformer/api/ serves as the main entry point for the transformation process. It orchestrates the loading, transformation, and saving of Java classes and source files.

Key implementation details:

  • Maintains lists of general and targeted transformers
  • Uses a ClassPath object for type resolution
  • Implements separate logic for handling JAR files and folders
  • Delegates actual transformation to ClassInfo implementations

ClassInfo Hierarchy

The ClassInfo interface provides a unified abstraction for both bytecode and source code representations of Java classes.


ByteCodeInfo represents classes loaded from bytecode (.class files).

Implementation details:


SourceInfo represents classes loaded from source code (.java files) using JavaParser.

Implementation details:

Transformation Process

  1. Loading:

    • JAR files are processed using ZipInputStream
    • Folders are traversed using Files.walkFileTree()
    • Files are categorized as bytecode, source code, or other based on file extension
  2. Parsing:

    • Bytecode: ASM's ClassReader is used to create a ClassNode
    • Source code: JavaParser is used to create a CompilationUnit and extract TypeDeclarations
  3. Abstraction:

    • ByteCodeInfo or SourceInfo objects are created, wrapping the parsed data
    • These objects implement the ClassInfo interface, providing a unified API
  4. Transformation:

    • General transformers are applied to all ClassInfo objects
    • Targeted transformers are applied to specific classes based on name matching
    • Transformers modify the ClassInfo, MethodInfo, and FieldInfo objects
  5. Code Generation:

    • Bytecode: Modified ClassNode objects are written using ASM's ClassWriter
    • Source code: Modified AST nodes are converted back to source code using JavaParser's pretty-printing capabilities
  6. Saving:

    • Transformed classes are written back to JAR files or folders
    • The original file structure is preserved

CodeFragment System

The CodeFragment interface represents a piece of code that can be inserted into a method, supporting both bytecode and source code formats.


Represents bytecode instructions.

Implementation details:

  • Stores a list of ASM AbstractInsnNode objects
  • Can be created from raw bytecode instructions or higher-level representations


Represents source code snippets.

Implementation details:

  • Stores JavaParser Statement or Expression objects
  • Can be created from string literals or pre-parsed AST nodes


The CodeFragmentGenerator interface provides methods to generate CodeFragment objects from various input formats.


Generates ByteCodeFragment objects.

Implementation details:

  • Uses ASM to parse and generate bytecode instructions
  • Handles conversion between high-level code representations and low-level bytecode


Generates SourceCodeFragment objects.

Implementation details:

  • Uses JavaParser to parse source code snippets into AST nodes
  • Handles conversion between string literals and structured AST representations

Type Resolution and Context


The ResolutionContext class provides context for resolving types and members within a class or method.

Implementation details:

  • Manages imports, type parameters, and scoping information
  • Uses the ClassPath to resolve external types
  • Implements separate resolution logic for bytecode and source code contexts


The ClassPath class represents the classpath used for resolving types during transformation.

Implementation details:

  • Supports both file system and in-memory class loading
  • Caches resolved classes for performance
  • Handles resolution of array types and primitives

Utility Classes


Provides utility methods for working with ASM.

Key functionalities:

  • Reading and writing class files
  • Converting between ASM and JavaTransformer type representations
  • Generating bytecode for common operations (e.g., method calls, field access)


Provides utility methods for working with JavaParser.

Key functionalities:

  • Parsing and manipulating Java source code
  • Converting between JavaParser and JavaTransformer type representations
  • Generating AST nodes for common operations


Provides utility methods for working with JVM-related concepts.

Key functionalities:

  • Converting between class names and file names
  • Handling JVM type descriptors and signatures

Class Loading and Resolution

JavaTransformer employs a sophisticated class loading and resolution system to support its transformation capabilities:

  1. ClassPath Hierarchy: The ClassPath interface and its implementations (FileClassPath) provide a flexible way to represent and search for classes across multiple sources, including the system classpath, JARs, and directories.

  2. Lazy Initialization: The FileClassPath uses lazy initialization to load classes only when needed, improving performance for large classpaths.

  3. Multiple Formats: JavaTransformer can load and process both .class (bytecode) and .java (source code) files, providing a unified ClassInfo representation for both.

  4. Resolution Context: The ResolutionContext class plays a crucial role in resolving types, methods, and fields within the context of a specific class or method. This context-aware resolution is essential for accurate transformations, especially when dealing with complex type hierarchies or generic types.

  5. Type Parameter Resolution: JavaTransformer includes logic for resolving generic type parameters, as seen in the Expressions class, allowing it to handle complex generic scenarios in both bytecode and source code transformations.

These class loading and resolution capabilities enable JavaTransformer to perform accurate and context-aware transformations across a wide range of Java code structures and formats.

Forward Compatibility and JDK Version Support

JavaTransformer aims to maintain compatibility with future JDK versions through several mechanisms:

  1. Fallback to Reflection: As noted in the ClassPaths class, there's a planned feature to fall back to reflection if ASM cannot load JDK classes:

    // TODO: self-test, if we can't load JDK classes with current asm version fall back to reflection

    This fallback mechanism would allow JavaTransformer to understand the structure of JDK classes for use in ResolutionContext, even if it cannot modify them directly. While this limits the ability to transform these classes, it ensures that type resolution and other critical functionalities remain operational.

  2. Modular JDK Support: The SystemClassPath implementation already includes support for the modular JDK structure introduced in Java 9:

    val fs = FileSystems.getFileSystem(URI.create("jrt:/"));
    return new FileClassPath(null, Collections.singletonList(fs.getPath("modules/java.base/")));

    This allows JavaTransformer to work with both traditional and modular JDK structures.

  3. Abstract Representations: By using abstract representations like ClassInfo, MethodInfo, and FieldInfo, JavaTransformer can potentially adapt to changes in underlying class file formats without requiring extensive modifications to the core API.

While these mechanisms provide a degree of forward compatibility, users should be aware that full support for new JDK features may require updates to JavaTransformer, particularly for transformations involving new language constructs or bytecode instructions.

Extension Points for Contributors

To extend or customize JavaTransformer, consider the following areas:

  1. Custom Transformers: Implement the Transformer interface to create new transformation logic.

  2. New CodeFragment Types: Extend CodeFragment to support new ways of representing and inserting code.

  3. Additional File Formats: Extend the loading and saving logic in JavaTransformer to support new file formats beyond JAR and folders.

  4. Enhanced Type Resolution: Extend ResolutionContext or ClassPath to improve type resolution capabilities, especially for complex scenarios involving generics or lambda expressions.

  5. Optimization Passes: Implement transformers that perform bytecode or source code optimizations.

  6. Integration with Other Tools: Create adapters or wrappers to integrate JavaTransformer with other bytecode or source code manipulation tools.