Mixtape Sessions aims to provide high-quality and approachable courses in Casual Inference. Multiple times per year our Causal-Inference Democratizer in Chief, Scott Cunningham, hosts our "Mixtape Sessions" which are our flagship, multi-day workshops aimed towards early causal-inference learners. We also welcome researchers working on the frontier of causal inference methods to host "Mixtape Tracks" which are shorter workshops aimed at advanced topics.
A goal of ours is to create a body of high-quality lecture material that individuals can access for free as a byproduct of our company. In this github organization, you will find repositories containing our (growing!) library of workshops:
This two-part series is designed to survey the large and complicated field of causal inference following the structure of Scott Cunninghams's book, Causal Inference: The Mixtape . We will review the theory behind each of these research designs in detail with the aim being comprehension, competency and confidence.

These shorter courses are taught by a leading researcher focusing on specific topics.

If you have any questions, please send us an email at [email protected]!