- Social or email registration
- Email verification
- Login and authentication
- Dashboard
This is a basic SPA with stateless authentication. user can register with email, google, facebook or github, then they get an email with card code, PIN and a confirmation button, as soon as they confirm we direct them to login site where they can login. if authenticated they land on a dashboard.
- Composer
- Node
- Database credentials and server configuration
- Email credentials and server configuration (you can get for free from https://mailtrap.io)
Open terminal and execute the following command:
git clone -b one_command_and_auto_assistance https://github.com/Moh-Snoussi/Laravel-vue-starter-boiler-plate-dashboard && cd Laravel-vue-starter-boiler-plate-dashboard && composer install && php artisan automate
Follow the instructions.
To edit vue files and see the change on browser as soon as you save then open another terminal in the project directory and run:
npm run watch -- --watch-poll
to install open terminal and execute the following commands:
Clone or download this repository
git clone https://github.com/Moh-Snoussi/Automated_Teller_Machine
Navigate to the repository with your terminal
cd Automated_Teller_Machine
Install php dependencies
composer install
Install node dependencies
npm install
Rename .env.example from the root diretory to .env
Modify the new .env
.Enter your database credentials
.Enter your email credentials and server settings (you can get for free from https://mailtrap.io)
.Optional set up a client id and client secret for any provider you choose
.Optional set the call and the callback url same as in .env
Install laravel passport, back to your terminal and run:
composer require laravel/passport
Migrate to the data base
php artisan migrate
Generate passport keys
php artisan passport:install
Run server
php artisan serve
To edit the vue files and see the change on browser as soon as you save then in another terminal on the project directory run:
npm run watch -- --watch-poll